Update for Shea

Update for Shea

The unrelenting pace of change in the FIV Suite continues unchecked.  But, the latest change will test Shea’s equanimity: his best buddy Oscar has been adopted.

Yes, against all odds, Oscar found a home with one of our employees.  He seems to be adjusting well and is already showing signs of anthrophilia (yes, it’s an obscure word, meaning “preferring human beings to other animals,” although I don’t think I am using it correctly here).

I’ve been keeping an eye on Shea to see how he is reacting to this loss.  So far, he seems “ok.”  Maybe a little quieter and more reserved.  Or, maybe I am reading that into his behavior.

But, the other day I was in the solarium showing some of the friendlier FIV+ cats to potential adopters.  As we stood there talking, all of the cats wandered back inside … except for Shea.  He sat there. firmly planted right in the middle of the group.  He didn’t seem particularly interested in any petting, but he was clearly relishing the company.

I am happy for Oscar, but sad for Shea, of course.  I hope he finds one of the new residents to be good company.  I have high hopes for Clarence, who is shy guy who has clearly spent some time on the mean streets.  I may try some matchmaking … stay tuned.

Your correspondent,