Update for Rose

Update for Rose

Dearest Friends,

I do declare, April showers are bringing May flowers!  What are your favorite flowers?  I am partial to roses but also love gerber daisies because they come in so many colors that make me smile.

There is a happy “buzz” in the air at Tabby’s Place.  We welcomed many new residents this past month.  Since I am officially a seasoned lobby resident, I get to give tours to the new cats and make them feel right at home.  When I was new to Tabby’s Place my friend Boom took me under his wing.  I shared a picture of us, cell phone cameras were much different in 2014, I promise Boom is not blurry!

Me with Boom in 2014!

Spring-like weather has welcomed daily stroller rides.  Occasionally, if it is too chilly or rainy stroller rides are put on hold, but we all know they will be back the next day.  My favorite location for a stroller ride is Cherny’s Garden, in the back area of Tabby’s Place.  I look for butterflies and birds throughout the garden and smell the flowers.  Another reason I love this area so much is that I can see all of the solariums and say hi to my cat friends who are also enjoying the sunshine and fresh air.  It is fun to spend time with the stroller volunteers and learn about their lives.  Many of these volunteers have not been able to help inside the sanctuary since the pandemic and have embraced stroller rides.   I feel the positive energy in my belly and know that the world is turning right side up, even faster than we all thought.

What a difference a year makes y’all!  In May 2020, a small staff and volunteer crew were working so very hard to take care of us cats.  They were superheroes (and still are)!  They fed us, gave us our medications, our dentals, our check-ups, cleaned our suites, played with us, gave us treats, did video adoptions, did piles and piles of laundry, mopped the floors, cleaned our litter pans and dishes—it was an endless task.  While the superheroes were hard at work, I missed seeing the smiling faces of visitors, staff and other volunteers, and cats busy at play.  Y’all know the expression “you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone?” This hit home with so many of us who never imagined the world would flip itself.  I missed spending time with my correspondent and discussing my update and taking pictures.  The staff was kind enough to send pictures of me to my correspondent to help inspire the updates.  I wish that I had a cell phone and could have texted my correspondent, so she did not think I forgot her.  My heart could not forget anyone I loved.

Knowing that you were there for me each day and night made the scary times less scary.  I thank you for being my sponsor and my friend.  I worried about you and your family throughout the pandemic, and hope that you are seeing the light with me at the end of the tunnel!

Sometimes life brings us sweetness and sadness at the same time.  Recently I lost 2 dear elder friends from the lobby: Walter, and Hobo.  Both lived long and full lives and taught me to enjoy every day and take every opportunity to be there for others.  Run free my friends.

I decided to take my climbing adventures to the “peak” this month and was so grateful that my correspondent’s friend Lisa (a volunteer) was there in solarium A with me to capture my incredible moment.  When my correspondent saw the pictures, she thought I looked like the scene from “The Titanic” and I was the queen of the world.  Heights do not bother me; life is too darn short not to have adventures!  My dual residency status in the lobby and Suite A continues to make me the luckiest kitty in Tabby’s Place!

As y’all know, the glass is always half full in Rose’s world, and that is how I approach this month’s health update.  Find the good is my motto.  I was finally allowed to stop my strong antibiotic because my urinary tract infection was resolved.  Unfortunately, I developed a new infection a few weeks later, and am back on antibiotics.  Despite not feeling my best, I am still happy Rose, and find the good in life!  A few extra naps do wonders.  I had a small weight loss this month, probably a result of the new infection.  My correspondent learned this and was sure to give me an extra yummy snack when she was volunteering.  I made a clean plate and cannot wait to see what she has in store for her next visit!

I hope that you celebrated and enjoyed Mother’s Day.  Sending you sunshine-filled whisker kisses!

(With help from your correspondent, Ilene)