Update for Mona

Update for Mona

Happy December my darling sponsor,

Hope that this update finds you well and happy. Even though the weather is becoming more like winter these days, you can still find me cuddling up in the solarium with Lester, Newman, and Buddy.

Here is the latest scoop on my many darling suite-mates:

We are all relieved that Buddy’s nose scratches are healing, and he can discontinue his steroid medication. To help with his diarrhea, Lester has begun a new prescription diet that, unfortunately, he does not seem to enjoy. Only time will tell if he eats it and and if it will help him.

Newman is his sweet and friendly self–he is even welcoming the new boy in town, Cisco. Cisco is a chubby guy who is beginning to settle into the suite. Meanwhile, Wolfie is still having trouble with his ears and visited a specialist. The specialist diagnosed him with hyperplastic ceruminous glands in his ears, and Tabby’s Place has begun treating him with a new medication. There’s no surgery in the immediate forecast, but our vet is a bit concerned that Wolfie’s ears could become stenotic and close up. Please send healing thoughts to Wolfie’s ears!

In my medical news, Dr. C. checked my teeth, and they look so good that I can wait until next year for a dental cleaning! I am always happy to avoid any medical procedures if possible.

It is that time of year when the days are becoming shorter, and the nights longer. I try to go to sleep earlier and get my full 16 hours of sleep per day. How about you? How many hours of sleep do you get each night?

Can you believe that 2016 is almost finished? There have been many happy and sad moments here at Tabby’s Place. I hope that the year for you was more merry than sad.

Your support is what keeps us going and inspires the folks at Tabby’s Place to do more for so many cats. Our lives would never be so wonderful without you. All of us are so grateful and I feel so special that you have chosen to sponsor me!

I wish you a joyful conclusion to 2016, and a great beginning to 2017. For inspiration, let me leave you with a few lines from one of my favorite poems, which is by David Whyte:

“Put down the weight of your aloneness and ease into/
the conversation. The kettle is singing/
even as it pours you a drink, the cooking pots/
have left their arrogant aloofness and/
see the good in you at last. All the birds/
and creatures of the world are unutterably/
themselves. Everything is waiting for you.”

All my love,