Update for Mona

Update for Mona

Greetings dear sponsors,

I hope that you are well. With several special events, June has been and continues to be a busy month for the folks at Tabby’s Place. On June 3rd Tabby’s Place honored the memory of loved ones, both feline residents and, this year, 3 wonderful volunteers, who passed away this year. It was a beautiful ceremony. The event was held in Cherney’s Garden, a place upon which I often gaze from my perch in the solarium. Our hearts are full of cherished memories of those that we have lost.

This month is also a time to celebrate new life, with the KITTEN SHOWER and ADOPTION event on Saturday, June 16th. It is hard to believe that we all started out so small, tiny little puffs of fur, eyes closed and hanging onto Moma cat for dear life! Everyone who attends the Kitten Shower brings a donation of food or litter or other items from our wish list and really enjoys themselves.

Our suite feels a little lonely with so many cats still being treated for ringworm. Wolfie eventually began showing signs of the fungus and joined Chachi, Cisco, Shea, and Rogue for treatment in ringworm quarantine. They are all being dipped or gently washed down with lime sulfur. I am receiving antifungal medication for the next few weeks. I am so relieved that I do not have to leave my safe spaces in the suite and in the solarium.

Two of my darling friends are dealing with difficult health issues. Cisco, still in ringworm isolation, was recently diagnosed with diabetes. He is transitioning to a prescription diet and has begun treatment with insulin. I know he is hoping to be back in the FIV+ suite soon and join me in the solarium.Sadly, McNulty‘s kidney disease has jumped into high gear. His kidney values have been climbing at an alarming rate, so our vet team treated him in with IV fluids in our hospital for several days. This helped McNulty to feel better and to regain his appetite, but his kidney values have continued to worsen. We’re gravely concerned about the progress of McNulty’s disease, which has been difficult to predict. For now, he is being treated with subcutaneous fluid therapy and lots of extra affection. However long he may have with us, those days will abound in love and joy.

We hear that Charlie is truly enjoying life outside of Tabby’s Place with our Volunteer Director, Karina, and her family!

Thanks, as always, for your kindness and generosity that make possible my beautiful life here.

Enjoy the beginning of summer! With the warm, lazy days ahead, I know that I will.

