Update for Mona

Update for Mona

Dear wonderful sponsors,

The solarium is a very exciting and busy place as we get closer to summer. Wolfie and Buddy are hanging out there, along with Newman, Bo and Lester. And as you know, I love it outside, so Hocus and I have our space there too.

Did you know that the volunteers clean our solarium space spic-and-span for us? They do such a beautiful job! While they are cleaning, we return to our FIV+ suite until they finish. That’s where our correspondents found us on a lazy Sunday afternoon for our photo shoot. I was inside a little basket, and on the top of that very basket was my loving friend Hocus. It was like “Upstairs, Downstairs,” as you can see.

I was very happy to receive petting in my safe space. How great would it be if Hocus and I could be adopted together! There are always miracles at Tabby’s Place. Maybe this will be my miracle…

Hocus and I both continue to be in good health, and we count our blessings. Our friend and suitemate, Jean Valjean, lost a bit of weight and the wonderful people at Tabby’s Place are trying to figure out why. We will keep you posted on his health.

I feel so fortunate to have you for my sponsor. Be well. Until next month,

