Update for Mona

Update for Mona

Hello my dear sponsors,

Can you believe it is almost autumn? Where did the summer go? I really love the fall weather, and my fur looks especially lovely this time of year.

I have been spending time with my friend Hocus (pictured at right), both indoors and out in the solarium. We both tend to be quiet cats, though Hocus can become excited when it is time to eat (even though he has no teeth!)

There was a bit a rumble in our suite this month.
Gentle Hobbes has been having a difficult time with some of the more aggressive cats. Hocus and I stay away from that rough stuff.

I am happy to report that Juju‘s brother Buddy is coming out of his shell and is accepting love from cats and humans. He has chosen Newman as his mentor. Sometimes I enjoy the company of people, too, and other times I still feel a bit shy.

Thank you for supporting me. I hope that some time you will stop by Tabby’s Place and we can watch the leaves change color together.
