Update for Mary

Update for Mary

Hello and Happy New Year, my beloved sponsors!

Can you believe it? Not just a brand new year, but a whole new decade! I just know it holds endless possibilities for us all. I can feel it. I believe with all of my furry grey heart that if you put positive energy out into the universe, it will come back to you in unexpected ways.

A perfect example is my happy news this month. My weight is up again and I feel so much happier overall. Me? Happier? How is that even possible, you ask? But sometimes even I have difficult days, especially if I’m in pain. Those days are few and far between lately because my pain medication is helping quite a bit. Because of you, my super fantastic vet team has the resources to give me everything I need to live my best life here at Tabby’s Place. Thanks to you, I have the pain medication I need to feel better. You are why I can keep my furry grey chin up and know that this new year is going to be full of love and kindness! We can never have too much of either, don’t you agree?

So my correspondent just told me that she recently got an email from another volunteer about me. The volunteer said that during her cleaning shift, she spotted Chewbacca and I curled up together in a cozy bed, way up in the corner of the ramp that leads to our solarium. She said we looked adorable! My correspondent thought we should include this in our update, because she figured you would enjoy the story. Chewbacca and I have known each other quite a while now, and he is definitely one of my best friends here in Suite A. He’s a cool dude, and an excellent snuggle buddy! A girl has got to stay warm during these cold winter months, so why nap alone when you can nap with friends?

So speaking of napping, when my correspondent arrived today to help me write my update, she found me snoozing in one of my favorite cubes. She told me I was a “meatloaf.”  I said, “What? Meatloaf?” because I was sure I heard her wrong. But she laughed and said “Yes, I said meatloaf.” She told me that a kitty she’d adopted years ago always slept in the position she found me in today.

She added that for some weird reason, a kitty sleeping upright with her legs all curled up underneath reminds her of a meatloaf. Let me tell you, that was a new one for me! And what’s even funnier is that my correspondent has been a vegetarian since she was a child, so what does she know from meatloaf anyway?? I just cracked up laughing. Well, take a look at the picture and decide for yourself. Do I look like a meatloaf?

Anyway, once I woke up from my nap, my correspondent gave me lots of pets and I frolicked around the suite a bit. I decided to jump up into one of the open crates so I could see the room from my correspondent’s height, and that is where you will see me in the other picture. She thought you would enjoy my fluffy profile, and I hope you do.

Well, I think I’m going to go back to napping now. I’ve been up for a whole 15 minutes or so, and that’s a long time for a cat to be out of bed!

Until next month, be kind to one another.

Love, Mary
(With help from your correspondent, Florie)