Update for Cotton

Update for Cotton


Greetings Cotton Friends,

We hope this update finds you healthy and happy. Cotton is sporting a new pair of converse sneakers and he is ready and eager to go places! Thankfully, he brings us along for the journey.

Cotton has had a good month and once again and spent a lot of time strolling around outside. One day, the volunteers wanted to clean and Cotton wanted to chase them. Until he saw the stroller! He fanny-packed it across the entire lobby, demanding that he must ride today! And of course, that is exactly what he did.

Another one of Cotton’s outings this month involved a “double white,” double stroller walk with Faye.  They are both incredible white kitties.  Aren’t they just the cutest?

Our extremely photogenic boy also got to spend some time in the memorial garden. Did I mention how much he LOVES these outings? Thanks to you, he is getting the best of care and oodles of love, while he awaits his forever home.

Medically, Cotton has had a loose stool kind of month, along with some weight gain. His diet has been altered to address both of these issues. He was also put on medication to help with the diarrhea that he was having on a regular basis. He is improving, but he needs to remain on a consistent prescription diet without an abundance of treats.

Wonderful sponsors, thank you for your devotion to Cotton, and for loving him so much. He is a very lucky boy to have you by his side.

Have a great month, and stay well!

Your correspondent,