Update for Cotton

Update for Cotton

Cotton so cute in his floofy bed!

Happy June, Cotton Fans!

I hope this month of June, with its warmth and sunshine, is lighting up your world, as it is lighting up Cotton’s world.

As with any day of any month when the weather is “acceptable,” Cotton, king of the stroller rides, has had many outings once again. What a lucky boy he is! Here he is, in his glory, with socks on that look like little lace-up sneakers.

Then, there are the days when he realizes that he may not get what he wants.  Oh no, perish the thought! These are not Cotton’s best days, and he does not hide his feelings at all.  Unfortunately, strolling schedules have been affected by heat lately. The Tabby’s Place staff has determined that brief sessions of sitting outdoors, in the back of the property under the trees, are okay unless the temperature reaches 90 degrees.

Cotton in his kingdom

Sometimes, Cotton gets lucky, and a miracle happens. Scheduling issues are resolved, and he is able to get out a little later in the day when it’s cooler. Today was one of those days, and while Stanley, Steven, Adam, Carrot, and Pepita were enjoying their outing under the eaves, Cotton was at the door, meowing the whole time, demanding a second ride.

In medical news, Cotton has on occasion, had some trouble with a luxating patella. This means that his knees move out of joint, and he has more trouble using his hind legs. He has been on a nerve pain medication to make him more comfortable, but we have begun to supplement this with another medication to keep him in his best form (and comfort). Cotton did experience a bit of weight loss this month, which we will monitor closely.

Cotton, not hiding his disappointment well
Cotton with his ‘sneakers’ on

It’s been an exciting month here at Tabby’s Place as we prepare to break ground for our Quinn’s Corner expansion, which will help us to save FeLV+ cats and neo-natal kittens. Click here to read more about this effort.

Thank you, dear sponsors, for your ever-present love and support for sweet Cotton. He is living his best life, thanks to your generosity.

Your correspondent,