Update for Cisco

Update for Cisco

Hello, my loves!

How was your holiday season? I hope it was filled with fun and love, and that 2017 is our best year ever.

Everything was going along quite nicely in Suite FIV…and then Giselle arrived. Being relatively new myself, I’d be the last to begrudge a new cat finding refuge at Tabby’s Place. But this little spitfire is a bit overbearing! It seems Giselle thinks she can take over any other cat’s space, and she thinks the human attention is all for her. She’s quite the moody one, really.

Now, before you think I am behaving in a manner unbecoming of the gentleman that I am, rest assured that my buddies are also having issues with Giselle. Buddy, Newman and Lester are all avoiding her, too. It seems only Mona has unconditionally accepted our new “friend” and her rather strong personality. Let’s hope things calm down soon and we get back to our usual camaraderie.

The really bad news is this: my ringworm is back! And to make matters worse, this means I have to be isolated. I was just getting used to everyone and all the attention, and here I am, back to square one. There are no other cats here to mooch treats from in isolation. This is an outrage! I really need these treats, because I’ve lost a wee bit of weight…not that anyone is really concerned, but I worked hard to pack on those pounds.

I hope that, by the time for my February letter to you, I’m back in my suite. Maybe Giselle will have been adopted by then and we can return to normal (hah)!

Thank you for taking care of me and loving me as much as I love you!

Your favorite cat,
