Update for Cisco

Update for Cisco

Greetings Cisco supporters,

Happy “spring is on it’s way” to you and your loved ones!  I love this time of year, when we spring ahead and gladly receive more daylight hours at the end of the day. Life is good! Cisco and all of his suitemates especially love that this time of year brings the hope of warmer days to come. That means more solarium time!

Cisco loves to be snuggled in his cubby with lots of blankets. Soon, he’ll be heading up the ramp to bask in the glory that the solarium has to offer. But for now, happiness is snuggling …. and having a few treats isn’t too shabby either!  On my recent visit, Cisco accepted quite a few treats, allowed me to scratch the top of his head a few times, and then gave me a whack with his paw (minus the claws). It was almost as if he felt obligated to let me know he was top cat. Of course he is!

New suitemate Tennison (photo) is currently crated and getting acclimated to his new roomies.  He was very affectionate with me and gladly scarfed down a few treats! I’m sure he can’t wait to get free access to all the human beings that visit.  I think Rufus and Wolfie could use a little mild-mannered competition for the role of official FIV suite greeter.


Newbie Knickers has been temporarily separated from his suitemates to provide a mellower FIV suite, and also to allow us to work with him one-on-one. We hope to be able to introduce him back into the suite very soon.

Cisco’s diabetes has been especially difficult to control this month. We’ve found that even a minuscule adjustment to his insulin dose can cause wild swings in his blood glucose (BG). As a result, we try to make as little change as possible to Cisco’s daily dose. But this month, a stretch of high BGs caused Cisco to lose weight. We can’t let this continue for a long period. Although low BGs are more immediately dangerous, ongoing high BGs can damage a cat’s internal organs and cause continued weight loss. And so, with great caution, we have increased his insulin. Of course, we’ll monitor Cisco very closely.

Dear sponsors, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your unrelenting support for Cisco. He is getting the best medical care possible, and oodles of love, thanks to you. We could not do this without kind people like you.

Your correspondent,