Update for Cisco

Update for Cisco

Dear Fellow Cisco Enthusiasts,

From time to time, the Tabby’s Place staff will run a mock fire drill, to ensure that everyone knows what to do to save the cats in case of an emergency. The solaria are virtually fireproof, so, in a drill, the cats are quickly bundled up and moved to their respective outdoor areas for safe keeping. This past month, Suite FIV was one of the suites involved in the drill.

How I wish I could have been there the day of the drill to see everyone in action! Imagine how easy it would be to scoop up sweet Newman, lovable Charlie, mellow Mona, or even the sometimes-good-natured Wolfie.

But then there’s our boy Cisco, Mr. Hiss-In-Your-Face-Don’t-Touch-Me! Who was given the challenge of moving Cisco to safety? How was it accomplished? There has to be a secret method here, and if I can discover what it was, perhaps I will be on my way to cuddling this cat once and for all. (Note from staff member Angela: alas, no secret method. Cisco was happy to run through the tube into the solarium as soon as we reached for him. Mission accomplished, albeit without getting to touch him.)

The cats in Suite FIV have been on a special diet and, as such, no treats have been allowed. Now, readers of this update know full well that the way to Cisco’s heart is through treats! What was I going to do if I couldn’t bring him anything during my visit? I could have thrown caution to the wind and brought in treats anyway, but I didn’t want to break the rules. So, I got special dispensation to bring in a few treats just for Cisco. It was hard not to share them, with all those soulful eyes staring at me, wondering why they were being passed over. Of course, Cisco didn’t notice anything but his treats.

There are no medical issues to report this month, and that’s a good thing! I have had no more success in getting closer to Cisco and showing him some love, but I won’t give up on my quest to smoosh this adorable cat. I will prevail!

Until April, stay well, and thank you so much for loving Cisco along with us.