Update for Cisco

Update for Cisco

Hello, my loves!

Well, I’m back! “He Who Shall Not Be Ringwormed” (as I heard a certain Development Director refer to me) has once again conquered the ferocious fungus, and I’m back in Suite FIV with my buddies.

I also received good news about some urine and blood tests (who knew all these fluids were so important?). My test results are all normal, which means my kidneys are doing well. I guess, for a cat who’s been through everything I have, they need to keep poking and prodding me to make sure I’m healthy.

On a recent visit, my correspondent found me on top of the suite ramp, hanging out with a few of my buddies. She positioned the ladder as close as she could and climbed up (along with suitemate Newman, who followed her up the ladder step for step). What did I do? Yes, I admit it — I hissed at her. Twice. Were those tears in her eyes, or was it just cold in the suite?

But even though I hissed (twice), she still gave me a ton of yummy treats. Is this what unconditional love means? I heard her tell another volunteer that her goal is to “conquer Cisco.” I’m not sure what that means, but I think it has something to do with picking me up and giving me cuddles. Do you think that would ruin my reputation for being a tough guy?

I see the other cats running to her and getting cuddles and treats. Even Amos trotted over last week, and she said this made her day. When you think about it, humans are pretty easy to please, if this is all it takes! I have to think about this a little more. (Amos got treats, too!)

Anyway, I know it’s February, the official month of love, and despite my James Cagney reputation, I am sending you tons of love and thanks for giving me the great life that I have now. Until next month, keep warm, keep well, and keep those treats coming.

Your Favorite Cat,
