Update for Charlie

Update for Charlie

Happy October, my beloved sponsors!

Can you even believe it’s almost Halloween already? And speaking of unbelievable things, the staff and volunteers here at Tabby’s Place have been buzzing about the fact that I’ve actually lost weight this month. It’s true! Over half a pound, in fact. I’m still a husky 15½ pounds, which in no way could be considered underweight, so our vet staff is not concerned.

Apparently however, weight loss can signify out-of-control diabetes, so they will monitor me and weigh me again in two weeks, just to keep an eye on me. I couldn’t ask for better care, and I am so very grateful for all I receive due to your generosity. I’m attaching a picture of me lounging in a basket I don’t typically hang out in. I say, always try new things! Especially new cozy places to nap.

So I’m kicking around the idea of joining the secret after-hours kitty Halloween party we have here at Tabby’s Place once all the staff and volunteers go home (Shhh! Don’t tell anyone!). If you come visit me in the next few weeks, I’m open to suggestions for my costume, and I’d love your ideas. Since we kitties are not much for candy, and of course with my diabetes I need to stay away from sugar, Halloween becomes all about the spooky fun. I’ve been working on a plan with Newman and Lester to scare Buddy. Maybe we’ll all hide in one of the igloos in the solarium, jump out and yell “Boo!” when he thinks no one is out there with him. Hee hee…we’ve all been roomies for so long, we love playing good-natured tricks on each other, and Halloween is the time to scare up some fun with your buddies.

So get out there and enjoy, dudes and dudettes!