Update for Carrot

Update for Carrot

Dear Carrot Friends,

I’m happy to report that Carrot had another good month. The weather has been a little cooler, which means our stroller walking volunteers have been able to get the cats out for walks. During the really hot days, we had to cancel all walks to make sure the cats didn’t overheat. Now we have perfect strolling weather, and the cats are loving it! Carrot and his friends have all enjoyed many walks lately, and they really enjoy every minute of it.

We had to introduce two challenging cats to Carrot’s room, J’happy, and Mr. Thief. These boys are young, extremely energetic, and have a history of not liking other cats. They love each other and get along really well, and they are sweet and affectionate with all humans. However, around other cats, they tend to be bullies.

We had to put them somewhere, so Suite C seemed like the best choice. The cats in this room are usually confident, and all seem to get along well, even the unlikely ones, like Wilbur and Joshua. Could the magic of Suite C work on J’happy and Mr. Thief? When we first introduced them to the room it didn’t seem likely:  they sounded like angry, wild animals from their cage in Suite C (when a cat is new to a room they have to be in a cage for the first few days, while they get used to their new surroundings). We covered most of their cage, so they would feel safe. As the days progressed, things started to improve. Fast forward to today….. and J’happy and Mr. Thief are doing well in Suite C. They both like to hang in the solarium with Carrot and his friends, and the magic of Suite C seems to be working yet again. They seem to get along ok with Carrot, and J’happy even looks a little like Carrot. In the picture of Carrot in the solarium with a few cats, J’happy and Mr. Thief are together in the chair. J’happy is orange and white, and Mr. Thief is black and white. And in another picture Carrot is on the chair with J’happy.  Can you tell which one is Carrot? 🙂

Carrot’s weight is stable, so we are weighing him less often, but we will always keep an eye on his, and the weight of all the cats, to make sure everyone is healthy.

We have been able to add a couple of socializing volunteers each week. We haven’t had socializers since the pandemic started, so this is a much-needed addition for the cats. I am hoping to slowly add one socializer each day, so the cats get plenty of attention. Our volunteers have been doing a great job, keeping Tabby’s Place clean and sanitized, and giving the cats attention, but with fewer volunteers coming in there is only so much they can do.

Carrot and his friends definitely appreciate the extra attention, and Carrot is always a favorite with our volunteers, so he always has lots of friends visiting him.

That’s all the Carrot news for now. Thank you so much for your support of Carrot, and for being his friend.

Your correspondent,