Update for Adam

Update for Adam

Happy June!

Adam and I hope that your summer season is off to a great start.  We have had some hot weather here in New Jersey that is getting us in the summer mood already.

Our little tabby boy is as adorable as always but unfortunately had some health issues this past month.  His ear infection returned and this time it required more frequent ear drops.  By the end of May, his ears had improved and the drops were discontinued.  He was taken off the oral antiviral medication.  Adam has also had a few occasions of watery and goopy eyes.  The staff is keeping a close eye on this.  He experienced some weight loss so the vet team ran a full blood panel that fortunately showed nothing out of the ordinary.

Along with all of this Adam has been acting weird, even for Adam.  He has been very quiet and he arches his back very profoundly when he walks.  The vet team is suspicious that something is going on in his brain but can’t confirm anything without an MRI.  At this point, putting him through several hours of anesthesia to have an MRI of his brain and spine wouldn’t be in his best interest.  While it might shed some light on what is wrong, it wouldn’t provide any help with a treatment plan.  The course of action that would be recommended would be steroids and pain medication which is already being done.  The staff and volunteers have a close eye on Adam and are doing everything to make him comfortable and to help him in every way possible.

Adam was very lethargic this past week, much more so than usual.  He is usually interested in what I am doing when I clean Suite A, and he watches me and follows me around.  He especially likes to get into a clean crate just after I have put the finishing touches on it for the cat who is supposed to occupy the crate.  This past week, he was hiding in a cat carrier that was in the room.  I didn’t even see him while I was cleaning.  When I asked a staff member where he was, fearing that he was in the hospital, she told me that he was in the carrier.  I looked in the carrier and sure enough, there he was.  He was definitely hiding in there.  I knelt down and reached in to pet him.  He pulled back from my hand.  He looked up at me with such sad eyes.  I knew he didn’t feel well at all.  Later that day people reported that he was asleep in the solarium and asleep in the tube that leads to the solarium.  He is just not his normal perky self and I am concerned.

I wish Adam and I had happier news to report, but it hasn’t been the best month for our little boy.  He has had some stroller rides and enjoys the company of Rose who has moved temporarily into Suite A for a few weeks.  Hopefully next month I will be able to report an upswing in Adam’s health.  We both want to thank you for your generosity to Tabby’s Place.  Without people like you, Adam would not be able to get the kind of attention and care that he is getting.  He is very thankful and sends his best wishes to you for a happy month.  Until July my friends…

Your correspondent,