Update for Adam

Update for Adam

Happy March, dear friends!

Adam and I hope that you are doing well as winter is ending and spring is soon upon us.

While the new diet in Suite A has worked wonders for Adam’s loose stool, it has worked a bit too well. He is now having trouble with constipation. Adam was acting a bit off and we discovered that he was dehydrated. His blood test indicated that he was also mildly anemic. We have switched up his medications to help with all of this.

Because of all this, Adam has had a rough month.  He really hasn’t been feeling all that well.  Along with the dehydration and constipation, he has been acting unusual, even for Adam.  He has lost some weight and is walking more strangely than usual.  Our amazing vet team is on top of all of this and are looking for answers as to what is ailing our sweet tabby. He did have one day when he was very agitated, so we are keeping an eye on our wacky guy.

When he has been feeling well he has enjoyed greeting people and getting his usual amount of attention.  I am training a new volunteer at the moment and I took her into Suite A to meet all of the wonderful kitties.  Adam came running right up to her and wanted to be petted.  I was so happy to see him want to be with people and be loved.

It was during this encounter that I noticed that something was more off with Adam than I had expected. His gait was very unusual.  I thought at first that he was just stiff from having been lying down, but now I realize that he is walking this way more routinely right now.  While he greeted my trainee with lots of affection, he also lost interest in her suddenly and began to stare at the corner of a crate in the room. It was a bit strange to see him just staring into space for no reason.  But he’s Adam, so I didn’t think that much of it.  Now I realize that all of this behavior is part of a pattern that is emerging for our boy.

Hopefully, next month will bring better news for our silly little boy.  I know that the vet team is doing all that they can to find the right medication and treatment to keep Adam comfortable and happy.  With the return of spring and warmer days, perhaps some solarium time will do Adam some good.

Thank you for all of your generosity because it is through you that we are able to give Adam the top-notch care that he so richly deserves.  Enjoy the next few weeks and Adam and I will back with a new update soon.

Your correspondent,

Postscript: In light of the arrival of COVID-19 in New Jersey, Tabby’s Place is currently closed to the public except by appointment. Please click here for our official COVID-19 response.