Sponsor Updates for Anka

Update for Anka

Hello, my sweet friends, This has been an exciting month, all things considered. Tabby’s Place is slowly and safely allowing a small number of volunteers to help take care of the furry residents while providing some relief to the devoted staff that has been working onsite tirelessly. In response to volunteers who deeply miss their […]

Update for Anka

Hello dear friends, I’m not sure why but my luxury accommodations have become very popular lately. As you may recall, I was given my luxury accommodations to keep me away from other cats. It’s not simply that I don’t like other cats, but I wish to do them harm and no amount of behavioral meds […]

Update for Anka

Hello my sweet friends, I am missing all the visitors who come and fuss over me. We’re still closed to the public and continue to operate with minimal staff. However, things are far from boring around here. The amazing Tabby’s Place staff takes me for regular strolls outside. That’s my favorite activity in the whole […]

Update for Anka

Hello friends, These are interesting times, to say the least. I’ve seen a lot of things in my brief stint on this earth, but I’m guessing global pandemic is new in the books for all of us. Tabby’s Place had to make the tough but necessary decision to close to the public and allow only […]

Update for Anka

Hello friends, What a glorious prelude to spring! Sunny warm days mean I get to enjoy more time outdoors. I’m so appreciative of the volunteers that take me out in my little carriage. You can see my joy when the carriage comes out. During a recent 70-degree day, my correspondent took me for a walk […]

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