Sponsor Updates for Anka

Update for Anka

Dear Friends, Never mind about the timeshare situation I described in my update to you last month. My luxury accommodations belong once again just to me. How did that happen, you ask? Unfortunately, I took care of business the only way I know how:  I attacked poor Cotton. I had just returned from a stroller […]

Update for Anka

Dear Friends, There’s a timeshare situation going on with my luxury accommodations! Cotton has used his impossible-to-resist cuteness and his keen intellect to somehow convince the kind Tabby’s Place staff that he, too, should have luxury accommodations. So, he is now enjoying my luxury accommodations overnight while I remain crated. Nothing has “technically” changed for […]

Update for Anka

Hello sweet friends, The leaves on the trees are changing color and when they fall off, they float and spin to the ground and I want to chase them all! I’ve been spending lots of time outdoors, as usual. I’m grateful for the cooler weather so I can be outside for longer periods of time. […]

Update for Anka

Hello friends, Every once in awhile, I’ll try a new trick to keep our amazing Tabby’s Place staff on their toes. This month, I learned that if the latch on my gate is not completely closed, I can push the door open and escape. And escape I did! Unfortunately, it was caught on film, so […]

Update for Anka

Hello dear friends, I’m elated to spend so much time outdoors taking stroller rides and hanging out in my outdoor pen with our amazing volunteers. Whoever thought up this Curbside Volunteering program is a genius in my book! It has been a hot and steamy summer here in New Jersey, so the time outside isn’t […]

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