One year ago this past Tuesday, Lola arrived at Tabby’s Place with her two “sisters,” Mia and Lilac. All three cats came to us through the Guardian Angel Program when their beloved human mamma had passed away.
It was a difficult transition for them, as they were all older girls and had lived in the same home all their lives, but they handled it with grace, quickly adapting to their new home at Tabby’s Place.
Lola was always outgoing and very friendly. She loved nothing more than when someone would sit with her and give her pets, and she responded with a wonderful purr.
Lola also loved to sit in the window of Adoption Room 3 and watch the world go by. If you were coming into Tabby’s Place and looked to the window at the left, you could bet you’d see Lola lounging on the window ledge.
Lola was 13 years old but always such a healthy girl. She never had any medical problems at all in the last year, which is why it came as such a shock two weeks ago when I found her lying in the litterbox, looking uncomfortable and not acting like herself. I went to find Denise, our vet tech, who started tests to see what was happening to our Lola. The tests revealed that Lola had lung cancer. It was a very aggressive kind of cancer and there was nothing we could do for her, except try to make her as comfortable as possible and give her even more love and pets than before. Lola had lots of human friends who would come in just to see her, brought her tuna, and even hand fed her in her last days.
Lola declined very quickly over the past two weeks, and yesterday she let us know she was tired, done with fighting, and ready to go to the Rainbow Bridge. The staff and some volunteers hurried in to be at her side as we gently let her go on her sofa, right under the window she loved so much.
Lola, you will be greatly missed by all your friends at Tabby’s Place, and we’re all so glad we got to know you. You’ll never be forgotten sweet girl, but it gives me some comfort to know you’re back with your sister, Lilac, who we lost a few months ago, and your human mamma, who loved you so much for the first 12 years of your life. We love you Lola xx
Karina, thank you for this beautiful tribute to our sweet Lola. She adored you.
Yesterday I was reminded by Deb, an extraordinary Tabby’s Place volunteer who knew Lola’s human mamma (and who knew Lola herself from kittenhood), that Lola’s original name was Lily. The reason? She was born on Easter morning.
I love that, and I have to think it’s especially fitting for our girl. Lola was all about new life: her new life at Tabby’s Place, the new joy to be found in each day, and now the new life everlasting in heaven. Lola, I love you, and we will meet again. <3 <3 <3
Karina, a beautiful tribute to a beautiful kitty!
I stopped by this morning and looked toward the window only to see it empty…then…I went into the community room and what a sad sight to see precious Lola’s name with her little angel halo. Instant tears! She was a very special and sweet girl who will be missed by all who had the pleasure to spend time with her.
This one is really hard…what a beautiful loving little cat Lola was…she would always cuddle with me in the suite and just sit and purr and want to be loved. Maybe she missed her human momma so much that she wanted to go home to be with her — but I know she knew how much she was loved at Tabby’s Place…and how much she’ll be missed.
Rest in peace sweet baby girl! I hope you are back in your loving momma’s arms with your sister Lilac.
I hate it when kitties die.
Me too, Fred.
Some girls are special. The first time I heard her respond with that soft Meow, I knew my heart belonged to Lola.
I could really imagine how wonderful Lola was and how she has touched many lives. I wish I had the time to know her and cuddle with her. It’s really sad when your favorite buddy dies. Lola truly deserves your wonderful tribute to her.
Fawn (Skat the Cat)
I miss you already, Lola. But there are loads of fine cats on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge, including Lilac and my little Pubert, and something tells me you’re already having a blast with them…
RIP, Lola now all the bad is behind you, you now have forever to spend with your mom.