This is one of the hardest posts I’ve ever had to write, because it means Dusty is no longer with us, and I lost one of my best friends.
We don’t use the word ”favorite” too often at Tabby’s Place, because we really do love them all. But Dusty was my favorite and has been for many years.
I remember when I first formed a bond with Dusty. He’d just been beaten up by Nuttin, again, and looked all pathetic and ashamed that he’d lost a fight to his archenemy. Back in those days, Dusty was just FIV+ and a huge, healthy cat who was not used to losing a fight. From then on, Dusty and Nuttin were kept separate, never to be in the same room at the same time.
Over three years ago, Dusty was diagnosed with cancer and given 4-6 months to live. I cried with him back then, hugged him, told him how much I loved him, and gave him a never-ending supply of wet food. But Dusty was a fighter; no way was a little thing like cancer going to stop him, especially now he was getting all that wet food!
Since then he added hyperthyroidism to his list of medical problems, along with early renal failure, severe dermatitis, and one of the worst cases of heart disease our medical staff had ever seen.
Then, to complicate matters further, he had stomatitis, a very painful gum disease. Left untreated, it can be fatal, as the cat cannot bear to eat; the pain is too much. With his heart disease being so bad, it would be very dangerous for Dusty to be put under anesthesia to have the teeth removed that needed desperately to come out. But eventually it was clear; we had to take this risk, or let Dusty go anyway, as he couldn’t continue in such pain. He had the surgery at the University of Pennsylvania with a “dream team” of surgeons, including a cardiologist monitoring his heart throughout the whole procedure.
Meanwhile, back at Tabby’s Place I was pacing the halls like a worried mother. Then we got the news; Dusty had come through the surgery and things were looking good! I was so happy and relieved. The next day, Dusty came back to Tabby’s Place and started his recovery, which he did in his usual Dusty style. He was soon asking for plate after plate of wet food, which I was happy to provide.
A few weeks ago Dusty went into congestive heart failure, and his abdomen began filling with fluid. Our wonderful vet staff tapped off the fluid several times, and we gave Dusty a diuretic to help stop the fluid accumulation. So, for the past few weeks, Dusty had been day-to-day. Each day we were wondering, “will today be the day?”, but still, in his Dusty style, he wasn’t done yet. Always the fighter, always the big strong boy he always has been, Dusty had a little more fight in him and gave us a few more weeks of loving this wonderful boy.
Dusty was never happier than when he was outside in “his” solarium, and he spent his last few weeks lazing in the sun, getting lots of love and attention from all his fans, chasing butterflies and, of course, eating lots of wet food.
Dusty stayed strong right up to the end, which came Monday morning. He was very lethargic and having problems walking. The vet staff thought he may have thrown a blood clot. When I looked at him, he looked so tired and I knew it was time to let my friend go. The Tabby’s Place staff rushed in to be with him, and we gently let him go surrounded by a circle of love.
Dusty, I will never forget you. Whenever I see the FIV+ solarium, I will think of you. Whenever I hear of someone battling against all odds, I will think of you, and whenever I come across someone so strong and brave no matter what life throws at them, I will think of my Dusty.
We could all learn a lot from you Dusty. You didn’t give up; you were such a strong fighter through everything. You just simply enjoyed life and took one day at time. I miss you more than I can say, but I’m so glad you were in my life.
I love you my sweet boy xx
Karina, I’m so sorry for your loss. You’ll see him again some day. Dusty was lucky to be in such a wonderful place surrounded by so many loving people. RIP Dusty.
Aw, Dusty was such a cool cat. I will miss watching him getting a “tan” in the solarium. But I’m quite sure that on the other side of the bridge Dusty is hanging out in the sun once again with so many of our other Tabby’s Place friends…
Karina sorry for the loss of Dusty, but as you even said he beat the odds for some time. As Suzzanne said he has probably already found a real nice sunny spot. RIP Dusty, you will be missed in person but will live forever be the the hearts of those who loved and cared for you.
Dusty and I only became close when his health started to fail him. Other volunteers would say Dusty would follow me when I spoke to him. I believe Dusty stayed alive long enough to teach me a lesson. That animals will forgive you when you may accidentally do something wrong.
The last time I saw Dusty was Sunday July 17, he was “better” on that day. He came over and rubbed my leg and laid right next to me. I would sit there and tell him my problems and cry. Then I would just sit there and tell him what would happen when he died.
I asked him to deliver a message to my beloved cat Jonah who left this world on Aug. 5, 2010. I told Dusty to tell Jonah how much Joyce loves him and still misses him very, very much.
I will also miss Dusty tremendously. But also know Dusty is not hurting anymore and that now he is a free spirt, like my Jonah and the Tabby’s Place cats who have passed away before Dusty.
Dusty you are my hero, and I feel honored that I got to know you even if it was not for very long.
Karina I’m soooo sorry. I know just how much Dusty meant to especially you. I know there aren’t any words to make you feel better, just know both Greg & I care! We’ll give you a big hug and share tears (I’m sure) on Sunday…. Lyn
Oh, no, I’m so very very sorry! He was such a love – I’m glad I got to visit with him a couple times in the last few months. RIP you sweet, sweet boy.
Sweet Dusty, you were and ARE a cat among cats. The solarium will never be the same.
I’m so sorry for your loss. He was such a beautiful, strong cat. May he rest in peace.
I’m so glad I visited sweet kind Dusty on my last visit to Tabby’s Place. WHat a kind and gentle soul, he made me feel peace and calm and good. I’m so glad Dusty’s last days were filled with love and support. I’m also glad he was a favorite. Very special.