What to give the Tuesday who has everything

What to give the Tuesday who has everything

If you have ever given anything to any charity anywhere, today your inbox is full.

The unifying message: today is Giving Tuesday GIVING TUESDAY #GIVINGTUESDAY!!!

Surely I’m not so shameless as to ply you with kittens to compel you to give this #GivingTuesday. But Edith and Judy are.

As a Development Director, maybe I’m not supposed to say this, but I have very mixed feelings about #GivingTuesday (and the use of hashtags in general #goofy2010s #we’lllookbackandcringe #blessed).

On the one hand*, what better way to cleanse our palates from Black Friday/Small Business Saturday/Cyber Monday materialism than to give to those in need?

On the other hand, isn’t #GivingTuesday just another manufactured gust of gimmickry, an artificial “occasion” meant to herd us all around like sheep?

Well, baa baa baa, beautiful kittens, because whatever you think of it, it’s here.

Naturally, the cats have their paws extended.

So if you’re inclined to give this #GivingTuesday — and I hope you are, early and often — I’d encourage you to head on over to Tabby’s Place’s Facebook page. Why, in the name of all that is holy and good, am I sending you to Facebook?

Huron too. #shameless #kittenslovedonations #especiallygoldbullion

Because Facebook is doubling all donations given on #GivingTuesday.

I’ll eat corned beef hashtags for that kind of opportunity.

But if you’re not keen on the book of faces, fear not; you can still give this Tuesday, right hee-yah.

Today and every day, the cats need you — nothing gimmicky or calendar-chained about that.

Max the magnificent, seventeen, soul-scarred and spectacular, needs you.

Sherman the survivor, eyeless, astonishing and all aglow with hope, needs you.

Do it for Kraft. Do it for love. Do it for #GivingTuesday.

Wolfie the walrus, Pixie the perfect, Jonathan the joy-jubilee, Mary the mushmouse…they all need you.

So dear ones, let’s make the most of this marvelous, madcap holiday of hope.

*Have you ever wondered which hand is The One Hand? And does The Other Hand ever get resentful? Or do only lefties worry about such things? #lefthanded #wediefirst#ohwaitnowedont #eitherwaywe’reawesome

1 thought on “What to give the Tuesday who has everything

  1. Love the beautiful Tabby’s Place cats pictures. Huron and Kraft, Edith and Judy, you are all adorable. Hope lots of donations pour in and lots of kitties stay warm and loved forever.

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