Update for Yardley

Update for Yardley

Greetings Yardley sponsors!!!

Hope everyone is doing well as we move into autumn. Yardley is doing fine.

However, we did have a very sad death in our home. Two weeks ago, we lost Princess Bubblegum, our other forever foster with EPI. Princess Bubblegum first came to us as a tiny emaciated kitten. We figured out she had EPI quickly and started treating her. She started feeling better but her kidneys did take a hit. She had early kidney disease at age 2. At age 4 she went into full renal failure. Unfortunately, her kidneys couldn’t keep going despite our best efforts. We are still processing this loss.

Last month I wrote about Yardley jumping off the futon every time I went into the room. The second that updated posted, Yardley decided that she felt comfortable hanging out on the futon all the time.

The more I work with cats the more I think that they understand way more than we think. Maybe Yardley read the update and then decided she would prove me wrong. Or maybe she just started to feel comfortable there. While it is probably the latter, I do believe that cats know much more than they let on.

Yardley continues to do well. She is due for her bloodwork for this month. I’ll have those results next time.

Thank you for sponsoring Yardley. Thank you for supporting Tabby’s Place and helping Yardley live in a home while getting the medical care she needs. We could not do this without you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Your correspondent,