Update for Yardley

Update for Yardley

Greetings Yardley Sponsors!

Yardley is doing fantastic. She had her six-month check-up yesterday. Her weight is stable. She is eating well. Her stool is good.

Yardley is one who dances with diabetes. Sometimes her glucose is high. We start checking her sugar routine and then it is never high enough to warrant giving her insulin. Yardley’s last blood work back in October showed higher glucose. Yesterday it was normal!

Yardley’s kidney values are a little higher than last time. It’s a little bit concerning but her values are not terribly high. Right now we will just monitor her. As long as she is doing well, she will get her bloodwork rechecked in 6 months.

Yardley spent about a month in love with her fluffy bed, but now she is over it. She is back to going to my other son’s room during the day. We tried. She is still on fluoxetine (Prozac) to help her deal with the fact that other animals exist.

Yardley is doing well. Thank you for your continued support of this special girl.

Your correspondent,