Update for Yardley

Update for Yardley

Greetings Yardley Sponsors!

I hope you are staying cool and safe.

Yardley is doing great. She had a visit with our veterinarian today. She is due for check-ups every 3 months. Her weight is stable. She’s eating great. She likes to eat her food, and then go finish the other cats’ food. She barely hisses at them. This is a great improvement in her mood and stress level.

Her blood work is fantastic. All of her values are in the normal zone. Yardley continues to surprise us with being so stable with being diagnosed with multiple myeloma 1.4 years ago.

Yardley does not like going to the vet. She is quite stressed. Last time she went, her glucose was elevated and it looked like she had become diabetic again. I had taken all of the supplies I would need for diabetes home and kept checking her blood sugar. It was never high enough for her to need insulin. Cats can have elevated glucose in their blood when they are stressed. Yardley was definitely stressed when she had her blood taken. This time we tried some very mild sedation, a drug called Gabapentin.

We started her off with a low dose of Gabapentin an hour before her vet visit today. She did fantastically. She was not wobbly or stumbly and she was not as upset. She did hiss and growl a little, but this was a big improvement from her last visit. I was really glad that we went this route with her. She was much less stressed than usual.

Thanks again for sponsoring Yardley. We are thrilled and amazed every day that she is doing so well. We could not do this without your support. Thank you!

Your correspondent,