Update for Yardley

Update for Yardley

Happy New Year!!

Hope everyone had a nice holiday season.  Yardley certainly did; she celebrated in her own way of eating and lounging. She does this every day but it is still special!

Yardley continues to do well at our home. Her bloodwork looks great, her weight is stable, and her stool is normal. All of this is amazing! It was almost a full year ago that Yardley became very ill. She started having very bad diarrhea and lost so much weight. In February she was diagnosed with the EPI. That is also when we became suspicious of multiple myeloma and when we began testing for it. In April she was officially diagnosed with multiple myeloma, and the oncologist said that Yardley’s expected survival time was 6-12 months.

We are at 9 months now, and Yardley shows no signs of slowing down. In fact, she seems to be picking up. She likes to hang out on the stairs and demand attention and food. She will not come all the way downstairs. She’s a bit afraid of the dogs, although neither of them will do anything. She bosses the other cats around upstairs. She bosses my husband around. When he tries to put her in her room at night, she tries to bite him. It appears she is feeling quite good about herself!

We are thrilled that Yardley is doing so well, despite her prognosis. Thank you for sponsoring her and allowing her to enjoy a happy life in a home. It means the world.

Thank you.

Your correspondent,