Update for Yardley

Update for Yardley

Greetings Yardley Sponsors!

Hope you are all doing well — Yardley certainly is!  She had her monthly check up, and both her bloodwork and physical exam were fine.  The only small problem is that she’s lost a little bit of weight, despite eating well. The only change I can think of is that during the day we put her dry food on a stool that is higher up. Why? Our rabbits have decided that they also like dry cat food. As herbivores, I doubt the cat food is good for them!

Yardley can get to her dry food on the stool, but maybe the little extra effort is resulting in her eating less frequently. We do make sure her food bowl is on the floor at night for her. Yardley also spends much of her day in my other son’s room, where there is no cat food. While Yardley has access to her room at all times, she does not seem to go there often during the day. We will continue to monitor her appetite and weight.

Yardley is getting into the holiday spirit! She wanted to thank her sponsor who brought her the toys you see in these pictures. She let her human, Ben, open the presents. She knows that Ben is really into opening gifts!

Yardley may not be the most playful girl, but she did enjoy sniffing all of the toys. She liked having some new stuff.

Hope everyone is having a nice holiday! I know Yardley is, thanks to your sponsorship!

Your correspondent,