Dear Sponsor,
I hope that you’re enjoying summer and that you had a fabulous Fourth! I had a fantastic Fourth! In fact, every day since my release from Ringworm has been fantastic! Yes, I was finally released from my prison. I’d been in RINGWORM quarantine since May! I was glad to be out of there and back in the FIV+ Suite. Now that I’m ringworm-free, I am one very happy, healthy cat!
I was so excited when I arrived back in our room, especially when I saw what was happening in the lobby. There were decorations, presents, lots of food, and a lot of people! I thought, “Wow! A party to welcome me back! What a great surprise!?” Then I realized that something was very wrong. If the party’s for me, why am I in here when the party’s out there? That’s when I saw THEM! The KITTENS! I then realized that this was a kitten shower. Once again, a big fuss is made over kittens, and the rest of us are forgotten about. I know they’re cute and adorable, but so am I! They’re out there, being fussed over, and my feline friends and I are in here, ignored once again.
Although there was no party for me to attend, I decided to make myself presentable in case I did have some visitors. I spent several minutes doing some intense grooming. Lynn has told me that I look like a Buddha doing yoga when I groom myself. Since a Buddha is “a teacher who brings enlightenment and wisdom,” I know she was complimenting me!
Shortly after my return, some of my friends did visit. I was so glad to see my favorite volunteer. I hadn’t seen him since just before I was diagnosed with ringworm, and I missed him. He picked me up and held me. To show him how much I’d missed him, I zealously licked his arm. Unfortunately, I was too zealous; I heard that it looked as if he’d been burned where I licked him. I am so sorry! He is such a fantastic friend. I know he’s forgiven me, but I still feel guilty.
Another friend I’d missed seeing is one of our feeders. She’s a nice lady who always makes sure our cages are clean and that we have comfy beds or soft blankets. I get so excited whenever I see her. Even if it’s not yet time for dinner, I lick my lips in anticipation! I’m always ready to jump into my cage when it’s time for dinner.
I missed spending time with my buddies. I miss Charlie, but I’m so glad he has his own wonderful home. At Tabby’s Place, when there’s a subtraction, there’s frequently an addition. There are two new cats in our suite: Wilbur and Rufus. Wilbur’s very friendly and spends a lot of time with us in the solarium. Rufus isn’t a fan of other cats and spends most of his time inside.
On one of my first visits to the solarium after my return, the nice lady who is Shea’s friend visited. In addition to petting Shea and spending time with him, she spent time with me. Tabby’s Place has some very special volunteers, and she is definitely one of the best! I love seeing her.The first time Lynn visited me in the solarium, I was lying on the cat tower. She came over to me and started petting me on my head, scratching me under my chin, and scratching me on that magic spot on my back near my tail. She knows how much I love that. I thought we both were enjoying spending time together. I know I enjoyed it, but Lynn seemed uneasy. Whenever I started licking her arm to show my appreciation, she stopped for a minute and just talked to me. I guess she’d heard about my overzealous licking episode. Events transpired quite differently the next time Lynn visited the solarium. When she came into the solarium, I was lying under the cot, and she couldn’t see me. Did she call my name? No! Did she look for me? No! What did MY secretary do? First, she went over to McNulty and spent a lot of time with him, talking to him and petting him. Then, she went over to Shea and Mona and spent time with them. When she finally remembered me and found me under the cot, I refused to come out! It’s as if I were an afterthought. I should have been the first cat she wanted to see!
There have been a lot of comings and goings in the FIV+ Suite recently. We had just gotten over Charlie‘s departure and the visits to and return from quarantine when we discovered we weren’t done with the changes! By the time you read this, two more cats will have gone to their new homes. Rufus wasn’t here long before a woman met him and was captivated by his charms. He’ll be an “only” cat, and that will be perfect for him. We’re all thrilled for Rufus, especially Rogue . Like Rufus, she usually preferred the room to the solarium. When Lynn tried to spend time with Rogue, Rufus usually wanted attention from Lynn, too. That didn’t go well. Let’s just say that there will be a lot less hissing and swatting in the room with Rufus gone!
The other adoption has hit us hard! Our lovely, sweet Mona has been adopted! She’s gone to a home where she’ll have a wonderful brother, who’s also an FIV+ cat. She has meant so much to so many of us. She was frequently found cuddling on a chair with Buddy. After his adoption, she cuddled on the large cot with Shea, Chichi, and me. What’ll we do without her? For some reason, I can’t envision Rogue cuddling with us on the cot!
I remember meeting Mona and Hocus, an inseparable pair, when I first arrived in the FIV+ Suite in 2014. There have been so many changes since then. A lot of lucky cats have been adopted, but so many others earned their wings too soon. The only cat who was here when I arrived in the suite and is still here is Lester!
Thank you again for all your support and for caring about me. If you haven’t been to Tabby’s Place and are in the area, I would be honored to meet you.
Love and prayers,