Dear Fans of the Wolfman,
I’ve decided to write Wolfie’s update for him this month. Don’t worry! Our guy is healthy, happy, and, for the most part, has been enjoying this summer.
Although it seems that he spends most of his time relaxing in the solarium, Wolfie has had his playful moments. A staff member heard the sound of a cat playing with a jingle ball in the FIV+ Suite and peeked in to discover that it was Wolfie who was playing so joyfully. He does have a playful side!
Unfortunately, it hasn’t been all joyful in the suite this past month. I don’t think the gang had completely recovered from Charlie‘s departure when their beloved Mona and Rufus were both adopted. Unfortunately, Rufus’s adoption was a short one. It didn’t work out, and he was back within a week.
But I think the greatest loss came on July 28th, when our sweet McNulty made his journey to the Rainbow Bridge. It was in the solarium where staff members, a few other volunteers and I said our sad goodbyes. Also present were Chachi and Shea, both acting strangely. Chachi didn’t seem to know where to go; he roamed around, avoiding McNulty and us, and ended up cowering in the corner by the igloo. Shea jumped off “his” chair and ran up the ramp. He came down minutes later and went under his chair, where he remained. They both sensed that something was very wrong.
I think these changes have had a significant impact on the group dynamics in the FIV+ Suite. Several days after McNulty’s passing, I saw a side of Wolfie that I had never seen before. He actually went after Wilbur on the top of the cubbies. I had seen Wolfie once stare down another cat, but I had never seen him go after one. When Wolfie saw that Wilbur had backed away from him, he went halfway up the ramp and situated himself in the middle of the ramp. He then started grooming himself while keeping an eye on Wilbur.
It was obvious that Wilbur wanted to go up the ramp, but Wolfie hadn’t left him much room. Nevertheless, Wilbur took his chances, running up on the edge of the ramp and quickly escaping through the tunnel. What did Wolfie do? He went up the ramp and lay down next to the wall, with his nose inches from the tunnel. Fortunately, he was soon distracted by volunteers coming in to cage him for feeding. Wolfie usually jumps into his cage immediately; that day, he had to be coaxed.
I have no idea what precipitated Wolfie’s odd behavior, but I might have gained some insight the following day. I saw Wilbur chasing Chachi down the ramp into the room. It was obvious that they weren’t playing. Usually the cats seem to avoid Rufus, but Chachi ran down past Rufus to get away from Wilbur. Rufus was startled but didn’t react. Wolfie then came in from the solarium. It could be a coincidence, but Wilbur then stopped his pursuit of Chachi. Perhaps, Wilbur had picked on Chachi the previous day. Wolfie might have been coming to his friend’s defense. We’ll never know, but I’d like to think of Wolfie as Chachi’s hero.
For the second day in a row, Wolfie was difficult to cage for feeding. Because the feeders were new, I offered to help. Since Wolfie was lying on the top of the cubbies, I thought I’d be able to scruff him and get him down. That didn’t work! In fact, when I tried to scruff him, Wolfie looked at me, as if to say, “No way, Shorty!” I realized that I’d have to resort to deception! I picked up the bowl of dry food that had been in his cage and managed to convince him that he wanted some. He came down, ran over to his cage, and jumped into it without any hesitation. I gave him the bowl of dry food and quickly closed the door. By the look he gave me, it was obvious that Wolfie had expected something else.
When I saw Wolfie a few days later in the solarium, the atmosphere was much calmer. Wolfie, Shea, and Chachi were relaxing out there, but I did notice that Wilbur was not in his usual spot on the tower. By the end of the week, however, all four were enjoying the peace and quiet of the solarium once again.
In case you are unaware, August 22nd is “Be an Angel Day.” It’s a day to be an angel by doing special acts of kindness, and to recognize the angels in your life. We must admit that, as a cat, Wolfie can’t really do anything special. He can, however, acknowledge the many angels in his life.
First, he has to thank Jonathan Rosenberg, the Founder and Executive Director of Tabby’s Place and the guardian angel of all Tabby’s Place cats. Without his generosity and compassion, where would Wolfie and all the other cats be?
He’d also want to thank the staff members, that team of angels who take care of all the cats, every single day. It can’t be easy trimming nails, medicating, weighing, or simply handling some of the feistier cats, but those angels do it every day! Of course, Wolfie is always the perfect patient. At least, that’s his story, and I have to stick to it!
Wolfie would also want to thank the volunteers, who do so much for him. He enjoys their visits and all they do to make his life more comfortable and enjoyable.
Last of all, but certainly not least of all, Wolfie wants to thank his own special angel: YOU! You have no idea how much he cherishes your continued love and support. Wolfie has experienced several medical crises since he arrived at Tabby’s Place, and because of your support, was able to receive the expert medical care that he so desperately needed. You have truly been his angel, his lifesaver! Thank you!