Update for Viktor

Update for Viktor

Rub my belly, please!

Greetings, Viktor’s Valentines!

I hope this finds you all well! Our amazing boy is continuing to thrive at Tabby’s Place! First, let’s jump into his medical update.

The medication mix that Viktor is on seems to be keeping his nose clear enough to keep him comfortable. There’s been a slight improvement in his nasal discharge so he can breathe more easily. He will continue on his current medication. He continues to require a high (for a feline) dose of insulin twice a day. He gets 6 units at 8 am and 6 pm. We continue to check his glucose levels twice daily before administering the insulin.

Victor & Friend

Two of Viktor’s suitemates have made the big move over to our new building, Quinn’s Corner, which will officially open to the public later this year (but we are moving some cats into the space now). Steven and Boom are officially some of the first kitties to reside in the new space! While that is very exciting for them, Viktor seems completely unaffected by the change. He is definitely coming out more and has even been seen with Poblano on occasion.

When I fostered Viktor, I would place a towel on my lap and he quickly learned that meant it was time to hop up. As you can see, I have continued to do that on our visits. He climbs right up, we watch Netflix, and he gets belly rubs. I wish you could hear his purr—it would melt your heart! I have asked other volunteers to sit down with a towel on their lap, to see if he will climb up. The verdict? YES, HE WILL! This is great news, as it means more cuddles and socialization for him.

Lap time and Netflix time!

Finally, for the biggest and best news of the day! THERE IS VIKTOR MERCHANDISE NOW ON ZAZZLE! Yes, I am yelling with excitement! Yes, I have already placed a large order for myself! There are many other Tabby’s Place kitties on Zazzle as well as generic Tabby’s Place merchandise. Feel free to peruse and place an order 😊 Here is the link:  Zazzle for Tabby’s Place.

As always,  thank you for sponsoring our special boy!

Your correspondent,