Update for Thomas

Update for Thomas

Dearest Sponsors,

Hi, it’s me, Fabulous Fuzzy!

Do you remember me?

I am Thomas’s friend, and play pal at Tabby’s Place! However, I have some WONDERFUL news! I am no longer at Tabby’s Place, because I have been ADOPTED! Yes, that correspondent of mine, Kim, has been head-over-heels in love with me from day one. She has wanted to take me home, you see, but there were obstacles that prevented her from being able to do so. Well, they say that “good things come to those who wait,” and I guess they do, because here I am, at HER place now, instead of Tabby’s Place! I am sitting on her lap as she writes this note to you. She adores me! I spend my days while she is at work looking out the window over a pretty back yard, complete with a nice bird feeder. I can see it from a distance, and Kim hopes watching the activity of all the pretty birds that visit helps to keep me entertained, until she can return home to me.

However, I am concerned about my friend Thomas. I miss him so! There are other cats here at Kim’s house, but as they do not have FIV like me, we have to do a very slow initiation into this little household. I am not yet able to spend my days in their company; all visits must be closely monitored. There are also a couple of older Dachshunds here that Thomas and I would enjoy teasing just a bit, if he were here. That is my worry; Thomas is NOT here….

It caused Kim much heartache to leave Thomas behind. She knows how close we are; she cried when she left Tabby’s Place with me! What should have been a wonderful, happy moment was clouded by the pain that, right now, she could not take Thomas home, too. Would he be alright without me? Will he make a new friend with another FIV+ suitemate, or will he always miss me? It tore at her heart!

But she knew she could only take on one additional cat right now, and felt it only “right” to be honest about her limitations. Otherwise, it would not be fair to me, her other pets, or to Thomas. So we hope that, someday soon, she will have safely and successfully completed MY initiation into her household, at which point she may feel comfortable in asking Thomas to join us here! She prays that someone will soon come along that can offer him the love and adoration that she feels for me, and hopes he does not have to wait too long! She now KNOWS that if it is meant to be here with us, then it will happen!

Please, if you are in the area, kindly stop in and visit my friend Thomas! He so enjoys getting attention! He seems to have befriended gorgeous black cat Jasper. However, I know Jasper is not going to Sumo wrestle, play jingle-bell ball, or chase him around like I did! What’s the old song “Nobody Does it Better?”

On that note, I will remind you of ONE thing of which we are all sure-“Nobody Does it Better” than Tabby’s Place! So thank you all for taking care of my friend Thomas! I know he will continue to receive the care, love and attention he needs and deserves….we love him so!

Until we meet again…
