Update for Thomas

Update for Thomas

A big hello to Team Thomas!

His Orangeness has had another medically uneventful month—long may this trend last! Our sweet boy continues to lounge in his beloved solarium these days. Even during the recent spell of hot weather we had, Thomas seemed perfectly happy to spend most of his time there.

Often, he’ll perch on a crate and just gaze off into the distance, but when the temperature is at its warmest in the afternoons, Thomas knows that nothing keeps a cat cool like stretching out on the floor. In fact, the floors in our solaria do stay quite cool, and our cats take full advantage of that from late spring until early fall.

Our deep orange guy continues to be one of the friendlier cats in his suite—toward people, at any rate. I wish he was a little better with other cats, but, except for suite-mate Fuzzy, Thomas has repeatedly shown a marked preference for human, as opposed to feline, company.

Speaking of Fuzzy, someone reported that they thought they saw a flea on him during the past month, and as a result we’ve treated everyone in the FIV+ suite (including Thomas, of course) as a precaution. If this sounds familiar, it should; the same thing happened last month. If it seems as though we’re being a little paranoid, consider that we really can’t afford to take any chances. Fleas can spread more quickly than you’d think possible, and the last thing we want at a cat sanctuary is an infestation of any kind, whether it’s the ringworm fungus or fleas. Luckily, the treatment for fleas isn’t too difficult for Thomas (or anyone else) to handle.

As summer comes to a close, we’re waiting to see if Thomas will resume his daily wrestling bouts with Fuzzy. These matches haven’t been taking place recently, as Thomas has been too busy lazing in the solarium and Fuzzy simply won’t go out there of his own accord.

Meantime, thank you for helping us give Thomas such good care!