Update for Stafford

Update for Stafford

Happy New Year, Stafford fanciers!

It’s been a quiet month medically for our beautiful boy. No bouts of constipation, stable blood glucose levels, no change in insulin levels required; we’re hoping that all of this will continue long past the foreseeable future!

Stafford appears quite content in our Executive Director’s office. It’s not a huge space, but then he’s not a very active feline. He can often be found basking in the attention of a volunteer; he’s a sweet, gentle boy and obviously enjoys human company, so it’s no surprise.

We have also not been surprised that he’s getting along so nicely with Shiny, his office mate. When Shiny was introduced to Jonathan’s office, we didn’t really expect trouble from Stafford, but the truth is that you never know with cats. You can do a textbook-perfect introduction, and the cats still might not get along. Fortunately for all parties concerned, the two cats are co-existing nicely.

Many thanks for helping us keep Stafford in such fine style! We couldn’t do it without your love and generosity.

Your correspondent,