Update for Stafford

Update for Stafford

Greetings, Sponsors

Brrrr!!! It’s December and chilly, but I’m hoping the latest update on Stafford will warm your heart.

Our shaggy boy has had a month of medical news almost as mellow as he is. His upper respiratory infection resolved completely, and he’s off his medication for that. Perhaps the best news of all is that he has had no bouts of constipation this month. I’m not sure who’s more pleased about that, Stafford or our veterinary team. While we’re hoping his constipation will not return, if it does, we are ready for it.

Stafford’s office-mate, Inigo Montoya, found his forever home (he’s doing very nicely there). Senior female Shiny has now joined Stafford in our Executive Director’s office. The funny thing about Shiny is that she…isn’t shiny. More importantly, however, she and Stafford are ignoring one another. I wouldn’t say they’re buddies, but all we need from them is a peaceful co-existence, and Stafford is a master at peacefully co-existing with other cats, so there have been no issues.

If you have not yet met Stafford, I hope you can make the time to do that; he really is a sweet little guy. And in a time when the demands on your pocketbook never seem to lessen, it’s difficult for me to find the words to thank you for sponsoring our boy. You’ve chosen to make a difference in Stafford’s life; as a proper Cat Lady, I cannot think of higher praise. May your holidays be happy, and may 2020 be a year of good health and prosperity for you.

Your correspondent,