Update for Shifty

Update for Shifty

Hello, My Dear Fans!

Here I am again, putting “pen to paw” to write my own monthly update. I am loving it! Thanks to that correspondent of mine, Kim, who allows me this chance to brag (whoops!)—I mean TALK— about myself and everything that is going on at Tabby’s Place.

Kim found me stretched out in the sunshine the other day when she visited. I was cool, relaxed, and really not wanting to move when she found me in that patch of sunshine.  But I did get up to greet her. We talked about the updates in Quinn’s Corner, our new area that will be officially open to the public later this year, as well as what’s happening now in the original Tabby’s Place lobby.

If you have not been here lately, it is really something to see!

The parking lots have been so busy lately, that it is hard for me to keep up with the comings and goings of everyone. Staff, volunteers, and visitors pull in and out all day long.  Also on the grounds are the construction crews responsible for the finishing touches on all of Tabby’s Place.  Everyone is so busy!

I feel as if my head does not know which way to turn next!

As we prepare to put in a new floor in the old lobby, our lobby cats must find a different place to rest until the floors are finished. I cannot imagine the work involved for our staff in figuring this all out, and then putting those plans in motion. I am glad that for the most part, none of this has affected me, and I continue to siesta comfortably in the lounge I call “home.”

Actually, I am so relaxed and comfortable that a recent check of my glucose levels showed improvement; I am able to lessen my dosage of insulin now.  That is always good news. I was not only stable but had actually improved! I think I WILL brag about that! I thank our wonderful staff for their diligence in checking on me and always making sure I am ok.

As you can imagine, I do look forward to dinnertime; that yummy food cannot get served up fast enough, as far as I am concerned. Afterward, I clean my paws and face, to keep myself looking impeccable. Sometimes as we age, senior cats are not so tidy in self-grooming, but I take pride in my svelte appearance.

I know the volunteers like the way I look; Kim says they tell her so….

If a sun-shiny day presents itself and you would like to take a ride, please come on over to the sanctuary I am blessed to call “home” and stop in to see me. If you call first, I am sure arrangements could be made to meet me personally. I love company; the more, the merrier!

I thank you for your most generous gifts that allow me to receive the care I need to take pride in myself and my good health.

I wish you the happiest of spring seasons!

Your friend,
(With help from your correspondent, Kim)