Update for Shifty

Update for Shifty

Rashida–new girl in the lounge!

Hello, Dear Sponsors!

I am putting “pen to paw” this month to tell you what is new in my life here at Tabby’s Place. My correspondent, Kim, has been having a bit of a health dilemma herself. It is of a visual nature. We both remain thankful to those who await our articles each month prior to publication for their patience during this tough time for her.

However, though she struggles to recover her reading abilities after her procedure, there is nothing wrong with her distance vision. Kim says she can still see how svelte I am and how I just love to be the center of attention.

There is a new cat in the lounge with me, and I am not sure of my feelings towards her. Rashida is a beautiful, long-haired calico cat. She also has diabetes, just like me. She is not always friendly toward other cats, and she has cornered me on more than one occasion. I am a patient fellow and remain hopeful that I will win her over with my charm and good looks.

The new wing of Tabby’s Place, Quinn’s Corner, is coming along nicely. In fact, it is coming along so nicely that a cat has decided to move in ahead of the completion schedule! A lovely little fellow was found in the new wing by the construction crew! He is a white cat with nice black spots and a friendly demeanor. We do not know where “Kevin” came from or the story behind his arrival, but we have since welcomed this charmer with open arms, and hope that he will settle in and enjoy his new home at Tabby’s Place. Read all about it in the Kevved Up blog by Angela.

Kevin finds Quinn’s Corner Expansion

I am so happy to watch all of the activity from my window seat or the cat tree that I favor for its view. But when it is siesta time, I can be found either under the couch in a cardboard box with blankets or on the couch itself. A guy who constantly supervises must get his beauty rest, as you will see by the photos I have included for your enjoyment.

I am blessed to have remained in good health and enjoy my meals and interaction with those who love me dearly. Kim says I get better looking with age, and reminds me that this is not true of everyone. I have really thrived under the good care, expertise, and loving attention I get at Tabby’s Place. When I rest my head at night, I know I am adored.

I remain very grateful to you, my sponsors, for your gifts each month that are given in love, kindness, and support. In these most difficult times, true faith is often hard to find. Thank you for showing me what that is all about.

(With help from your correspondent, Kim)