Update for Shifty

Update for Shifty

Hello, Friends of Shifty!

Shifty had a busy month watching the phases of construction of our new addition, Quinn’s Corner, hustle along in an attempt to beat the bad winter weather, then grind to a halt as conditions were no longer feasible to continue.  Quinn’s Corner will provide sanctuary, love, and medical care for the most vulnerable kitties in the world—cats with feline leukemia virus AND neonatal kittens. Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) is difficult to diagnose and manage and requires a high level of individualized care. Few shelters have the resources to embrace FeLV+ cats, but Tabby’s Place knows these amazing kitties are full of life and deserve a chance to thrive. Newborns often arrive without their mothers, making them utterly dependent on our love and expert care. Quinn’s Corner will allow us to care for these tiny wonders, who are underserved by rescue and veterinary communities due to their fragile nature and need for intense nurture.

Shifty feels he is doing his part to hurry things along by supervising from various look-out sites in his suite, as you will see by the photos I have sent along for your enjoyment.

Now that the construction has stopped until warmer weather, Shifty has returned to his daily siestas in his favorite spots, as he waits to greet staff and volunteers who report for their shifts.  We have rearranged the furniture in the room in the past month; Shifty has had no problem with declaring certain quiet spots under the new chairs, as well as maintaining his usual spots on the windowsills or in the cat tree.  He is always a handsome sight to see, wherever he chooses to rest and visit with us.

Shifty is also getting along just fine with his “roomies,” even going as far as sharing his food dish with the newest resident Baby.  He and Baby are the room’s biggest meal-time fans and wait with anticipation for the arrival of each meal served by the dedicated staff.  He has been blessed with good health this past month, and his diabetes remains “status quo” for now.  Here at Tabby’s Place, as you know, the “status quo” is considered a good place to be, and we are proud of the progress Shifty has made medically.

As we look forward to the winter months ahead (or dread them, if you are like me!), rest assured that our fine fellow is enjoying his supervisory role here at Tabby’s Place, and sends his sincerest thanks for your most generous of donations.  They help to keep him the best boy he can be, and go a long way in keeping our “Supervisor” in tip-top shape!

Your Correspondent,