Update for Shifty

Update for Shifty

To my dear sponsors,

Hello!  My correspondent Kim has encouraged me to put “pen to paw” this month and share my own news with you.  It is nice to get the chance to “talk” with you myself.

I have come to a conclusion in the past month:  I like it here at Tabby’s Place!

Volunteers and staff alike are buzzing with chat about me.  I have overheard comments about “how far Shifty has come since he got here…”  I must agree.  I am feeling much more relaxed now.  Everyone treats me with kindness.  I have made feline friends, too, and have been seen sharing my sleeping area with a cat or two with which I feel most comfortable.  I like the sunny windowsills, and feel free to explore the neat cat trees in the Employee/Volunteer Lounge I call “home.”

Of course, this choice of residence for me means that I see everyone that comes to Tabby’s Place to work or volunteer.  They all have to stop by that room to either punch or sign in.  It is hard for them to rush past a gorgeous gray cat with a clean white bib of fur and matching white mittens, waiting for a greeting and a head-pat.

Once upon a time, I was a very scared, shy senior fellow who was frightened of this kind of interaction.  Kim even talks about the time I hid under the couch from her…  but those days are behind me now, and I look forward to seeing everyone each and every day at Tabby’s Place.

Like most senior cats, I DO tend to siesta in the afternoons.  This rest is good for me, as it allows my body to heal from its past traumas, and move forward in a positive direction.  I am feeling much better now, thanks to the medications prescribed for my painful stomatitis (inflammation of the oral cavity).  The wonderful veterinary staff keeps a close eye on me, and monitors me closely for any signs that my diabetes is recurring; unfortunately, the best of medications to keep my mouth pain-free is a drug that could, over time, encourage my diabetes to come back from its remissive state.  We must be very careful.

Kim likes to tell me at her visits that my coat is very soft.  A good coat on a cat is a sign of good health, she says.  She loves running her hand down my back and along the sides of my body, telling me over again what a good boy I am, and how proud she is of me for all of the progress I have worked hard to make.

Shifty Making Friends

I thank you, dear sponsors, for your most gracious gifts towards my care.  I have a new glow of confidence; a sparkle in my eyes of a cat that is well-cared for and very loved.  When I rest my head now at night, there is no more fear.

I hear that Tabby’s Place is good at these kinds of miracles.

I am honored to be one of its recipients.

(with help from your correspondent, Kim)