Update for Shifty

Update for Shifty

Hello, My Friends!

It is time for me to take “pen to paw” again this month, and share my news with you.

I am happy to see the beautiful spring weather out of my windows.  I sit on the cat tree and watch everyone coming and going.  I wish that Tabby’s Place was “open” for all to visit, but our COVID restrictions remain in place for everyone’s safety and protection. So I remain happy to see the team of volunteers that are able to come in to assist our busy staff with their daily chores.  I am blessed that my correspondent, Kim, is one of those team members and that we are able to visit together.

We “talk” about how happy we both are that my health has remained “status quo.” As you know, “status quo” at Tabby’s Place is considered a great place to be! My coat is soft, my paws and chest are white and clean, and my green eyes sparkle when I acknowledge her. Always happy to chat a bit with anyone who stops to visit me, Kim saw another of my volunteer fans and regular visitors, Russ, with me sprawled across his lap the other day.  I am a BIG fellow and Kim chuckled when she saw us.  A little “guy time” was just what I needed!

My favorite of places to siesta is still the “free bin” in the Employee/Volunteer Lounge where I live.  Many people are relieved to see me resting in there when they have looked first to other locations where I like to nap.  Sometimes, I have to wait until my feline roommate Samantha vacates the bin so that I may use it.  Kim caught me “toes up” on a pad in the cat tree the other day.  All she could see was me on my side, and my big toe pads facing her.  She let me sleep; I was content.

We look forward to the arrival of the bird feeder that Kim is having made for my front window.  It is going to look like a tiny Tabby’s Place, using the same design and colors.  With approval from “the higher authorities” when completed, the birdhouse will be placed out front under the beautiful dogwood trees where we have seen many young birds enjoying the light spring breezes and sunshine.  This will surely help to keep my roomies and me entertained for many an afternoon to come.

We thank you for your most gracious gifts in this most difficult of times.  They help so much to keep me svelte and healthy.  Your faithfulness in doing so is heartfelt and appreciated.

Sending much love your way, I remain…

Your lucky guy,
(With help from your correspondent, Kim)