Dearest Sponsors,
“Strike a pose,
There’s nothing to it!”
Remember that Madonna song?
Well, it seems like we have been watching our friend Shifty do a lot of that this month at Tabby’s Place!
Photos sent for my consideration have included Shifty in all sorts of positions; some alert, some at rest, and others just being plain funny. No one does this quite like our Shifty. Is that because, after all, “he has style; he has grace?”
Yes, I DO think so!
You will see photos sent along by his fan Sheila, who has fun photographing him during her volunteer shifts there. She seems to catch him “in the mood” to make us chuckle.
I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.
Speaking of suite residents, the Lounge has seen a change in roommates. The ongoing uncertainties between Shifty and Reese as well as some similar problems between next-door suite mates Samantha and Mitzi in our Director of Operations office gave way to the idea of swapping out the roomies. Now, Reese lives with Mitzi; Samantha lives with Shifty and his friends. All is well, and a sense of peace has come over both rooms.
See the photos sent along of that transition process, for your enjoyment. Talk about “striking a pose!”

Shifty has remained blessed with good health. His days are quiet, spent in a siesta in the sunshine or in his favorite box with a blanket under the sofa. However, one day, he was found resting in the “free bin” instead of his favored box. He must have been seeking a change of pace.
We thank you for your most gracious donations that allow for Shifty’s peace and contentment.
Since our Stroller Program has been on a bit of hiatus due to the inclement weather, I am not able to visit as much as I did previously. As a Curbside Assistant, it is my job to bring the cats to the volunteers outdoors waiting to walk and visit with them. For everyone’s safety and protection, Tabby’s Place remains on limited staffing and volunteer admittance due to Covid-19 restrictions.

I know you join me in prayer that my volunteer duties may resume very soon with warmer weather, and that I can visit with Shifty again as much as I once did.
Your Correspondent,