Update for Sammy

Update for Sammy

Dear Supporters of Sammy,

Due to unavoidable circumstances—i.e., summer vacation plans—I wasn’t able to do my usual one day a week stint at Tabby’s Place and I missed two weeks, so when I finally returned home and was back on schedule, I was eager to spend time with Sammy and catch up on all the latest gossip.

Was she enjoying our lovely weather? Did she make any new friends? Would I find her in the same place in the Community Room, lazing around on the window shelf we used to affectionately refer to as Pixie’s shelf or had she discovered a new place to relax in?

I’d heard the latest good news that she was enjoying excellent health this month. But her dear buddy Hunts had moved to Suite B.  And I’d also learned Sammy had lately been hanging around with Peep, a new tabby. So I didn’t know what to expect when I opened the door. I imagined she might be near one of the windows, gazing out at the birds.  But no, she was cuddled quite comfortably in the cat tree in the corner. Napping. Dreaming. Okay, not so unusual. I hated to disturb her.

But Sammy’s head tilted up and her eyes widened because she spotted me coming towards her. She purred when I began to pet her, and, quite predictably, in less than a minute she headed toward her favorite window seat. Her best bud, Puzzle, was already snuggled there.

“You should have seen them the other day,” Ginny, a staff member, told me. “Sammy had her arm wrapped around Puzzle’s neck.” As I watched them now, they touched noses. Then Sammy placed her paw on Puzzle’s leg, and Puzzle leaned into Sammy.

A half-minute or so passed and another kitty jumped over the plastic partition and arrived without an invitation. The love spell was broken and Sammy hissed. Then she growled. Puzzle said nothing. The other kitty tried to pretend she wasn’t offended, and she hunkered down. But everyone knows two’s company; three’s a crowd. She continued to glance at Sammy, expecting what—I’m not sure. Finally, the poor little third wheel left, and Sammy became all sweetness again.

We thank you, as always, for your continued generosity, and hope you continue to enjoy the lovely summer we’re having.

Your correspondent,