Update for Sammy

Update for Sammy

Dear Supporters of Sammy,

I have to say that I’ve known Sammy for a long time, but she continually surprises me. Just when I think I have her figured out, BAM, she does something just a little unexpected.

Last month I was happy to see her spending so much time in the window box with Pixie. Watching the birds. Delighting in the sunshine. And then to my delight, a very handsome cat started hanging around. wanting to join in the fun. I caught Puzzle and Sammy snuggling together, nose to nose, and I thought this new cat love could be something serious. Maybe Sammy had finally gotten over Max.

This month I spotted Puzzle again, climbing close to the window box, gazing longingly into the enclosure, looking as if at any moment, he was going to jump in and join Sammy. And Sammy seemed to be enjoying the attention. She didn’t growl or hiss. She didn’t discourage him in any way.

Was a love affair taking place in front of my very eyes?

Or so I thought.

For it seems that when I wasn’t at Tabby’s Place volunteering or visiting Sammy, Sammy was entertaining yet another suitor. A very handsome black and white cat named Tux is smitten with Sammy. They’ve been spotted cuddling together in the same perch in front of the popular bird feeder. If I were a cat, that’s where I would be too! How wonderful that our lovely girl has not one admirer, but two!

And I got to thinking. How does one cat go sweet on another? Does he share his treats with her? Does he bring over his favorite cat toy? Does he meow when he spots a blue jay in the blrd feeder? Or does he groom her on that special spot on the back of her neck that she can’t reach? Whatever he does, he must be doing it well, for he’s won Sammy’s heart. Or at least half of Sammy’s heart.

And Sammy is not only happy, she’s enjoying very good health again this month.

Thanks, as always, for your continued support. We hope you had a fabulous Thanksgiving, and we hope you enjoy this festive season with family and friends.