Update for Rufus

Update for Rufus

Well, hello there.

This is my very first update that I have ever written. Let me tell you, I am relieved to finally have the opportunity to put my thoughts down on paper! Well, on a computer really, with the help of my correspondent. She has been a buddy of mine from my first days at Tabby’s Place, and she continues to love me despite my, um, not so perfect behavior sometimes.

But wait, first let me back up a bit and tell you about me. I am truly honored to join the list of sponsorable cats, and I am grateful for your love and sponsorship. This is quite a change for me, being here in Suite FIV, and I have my good days and my bad days.

You see, awhile back, my humans moved away and left me to fend for myself outside. I will never understand why they did that, but I knew I had no choice but to move on. I was already a pretty tough cookie, and that experience toughened me up even more. I am no shrinking violet, and I can take care of myself when I need to.

But then, a kind human noticed that I was out there on my own, and she brought me to Tabby’s Place. Boy, oh boy, was I in shock at first. I still am, to some extent. I have never in my life experienced such love and attention. Warm, soft beds and yummy food and all of the humans around…my gosh, I can’t believe how many humans run this place! Staff and volunteers, all with such kind hearts. It almost melts mine just thinking about it.

But I am rough and tumble to the core, and I can’t give in to all of that mushy love stuff. A huge part of me wants human attention desperately, but then I sometimes get scared and lash out. The humans here are infinitely patient, though, and they are trying to teach me that biting is not the way to make friends. But, about nine years of feline life teaching me that I have to always be on my guard and defend myself is a hard habit to break.

I hope you, my new sponsors, can understand me and love me anyway. I may be rough around the edges, but my correspondent keeps telling me that she knows I have a heart full of sweetness underneath it all. I’m glad she can see that, and it seems that lots of other humans around here can see that, too. I can’t say the same for the other felines here in Suite FIV, however.

My suitemates and I have gotten into some pretty fiery tussles. One might even say they were quite violent fights. I never shy away from a confrontation, so I will not back down first, that’s for sure. If someone challenges me, I will come out paws and claws swinging! In fact, I have been deemed an “orange collar cat“, which is not-so-secret code for “behavior and aggression issues” here at Tabby’s Place. My suitemate Rogue and I both don an orange collar to warn everyone not to interact with us until they have been trained by staff or Nancy, our volunteer cat behaviorist expert.

Bah! Silly humans. What are they so afraid of? So I tend to get a bit cranky without warning. Perhaps I bite here and there. What’s the big deal? They are trying to teach me how to settle down and manage my anger a bit. But I have a lot in my past to be angry about! My new vet team has started me on behavioral medication to help me mellow out, so we’ll see how it goes. I promise to try for you, my sponsors, because I love you and appreciate all that you are doing for me.

Please also make sure you look at my photos. How can you not love that harmless face?? Can’t you see in my eyes how much I want to be loved?? My correspondent keeps telling me how handsome I am, and that she will do her best to let my sponsors know that I just need some more time at Tabby’s Place to settle in and trust everyone. She believes that I will one day understand that I don’t always have to fight first and ask questions later. I don’t know. I’m glad she has faith in me. I hope you will too.

Love, Rufus