Update for Rose

Update for Rose

Sharing the big bed with Cotton!

Dear Fans of Sweet Rose,

Spring is officially here y’all—YAY!  When I was a southern youngin’ I looked forward to spring and treated it like a special holiday.  I would open my sleepy kitten eyes every morning and look outside the window to spot any signs of spring.  When I hear a mention of the month of April, my mind goes to visions of colorful flowers and trees filled with clusters of bright green leaves.

Sharing a regular cat bed with Sir Cotton!

During the long winter months, I had lots of time to dream about the spring.  Spring is mother nature’s “reset button.”  Nature awakens and comes back to life.  Spring is like my “New Year.”  I get inspired by the refreshing weather to try new things.  Recently, Cotton and I shared the big cat bed together in the lobby.  This was a first for us!  We had fun and are open to more adventures.  We still enjoy snuggling in a regular-sized cat bed.

I do declare, Cotton has more energy and speed in his little fluffy body than most big cats.  He is as fast as a cheetah.  The last time my correspondent came to volunteer she had a stack of boxes in her arms as she entered the lobby.  No sooner did she say, “Hi pretty Rose,” than Cotton darted between her legs and into the hallway, where he was lovingly returned to the lobby.

With my banana (nana) cat nip toy–one of my favorites!

My ears perk up at the talk or smell of food.  My job is to inspect all the food donations.  If I could open the flip-top cans with my paws I might even taste test them!  I overheard volunteers talking about chocolate Cadbury eggs.  I know from growing up on a farm that chickens do not lay chocolate eggs, so I was perplexed.  My correspondent explained that they are candy for humans, and since we cats can’t eat chocolate, I will stick to the Tabby’s Place dinner buffet!

Burrowing under blankets!

The spring weather brings lots and lots of stroller rides, weather permitting.  I get so excited when I see the volunteer enter the lobby with the stroller that I cannot contain myself, literally!  The other day I saw a stroller enter the lobby and both Stanley and I jumped up on it.  The volunteer remarked we looked like Olympic high jumpers.

Happy Birthday to ME!!!

When I am not high jumping, I continue to climb my way through the lobby.  I love climbing up onto the reception desk.  My friend Divya the receptionist was recently adopted, so I might put in an application for the job.  I have great computer skills, so this might be my advantage.

In addition to climbing, I explore the floor level.  I enjoy burrowing under blankets as it makes me feel cozy.  A staff member was looking everywhere for me (I think it was bottom bath time).  She went into the laundry room to see if my correspondent saw me recently.  I understand that the blood drained out of their faces.  I heard ROSE, ROSE, ROSE, and I opened my sleepy eyes and slowly came out of the blanket burrito.  They were so relieved; I did not mean to start a panic!

Baby Rose – almost 1 year old here

A li’l itty bitty black-and-white southern kitty by the name of Rose (ME!) has a very special day today, April 15.  Today I celebrate my 8th Birthday with you!  My greatest gift in the world is having you as my sponsor.  I look back on my very happy life and would not be here without your generosity and lots of love.

It was only a few years ago that I was critically ill, and with your help and Tabby’s Place, I am here to celebrate my birthday.  I am happy to share this picture of  “bebe Rose,” when I was around 1 year old.  Even then, I was a happy girl!  I sense that the world is starting to turn right side up, and maybe next year we can celebrate my birthday in person with party hats and a fish cake!

Thank you! Your generosity makes my life at Tabby’s Place wonderful!

I see this month’s health report as “the glass is half full.”  I continue on antibiotics for my pesky urinary tract infection, but the good news is that no bacteria shows up when I am cultured.  I have been leaking a bit more than usual, and the staff is keeping an extra eye on me.

Sending you colorful spring-like whisker kisses this month!

(With help from your correspondent, Ilene)