Update for Rose

Update for Rose

Welcome to March, y’all!

Now we’re that much closer to spring and to my solarium return! I don’t blame the cute li’l groundhog.  I suspect that he saw his shadow, but everyone was too excited to even notice it.  I look outside the front doors of Tabby’s Place and see scattered patches of snow.  However, in my mind I see green grass, trees full of leaves, and beautiful flowers that smell as nice as they look.  Winter is a state of mind, and if we all shut our eyes and picture spring, it will be here soon enough.  I still remember when I was a li’l itty bitty black and white kitty in Virginia smelling the magnolia trees in full bloom, and watching the humans sip sweet tea and nibble on Virginia peanuts.

Like the activity in a beehive, Tabby’s Place never slows down!  We just had a new Volunteer Orientation, and I met so many nice and enthusiastic volunteers.  My correspondent was there and made sure to introduce everyone to me and share my special story.

Life in the lobby is so much fun!  I love running around, and when a volunteer brings a laser pointer I get my aerobic workout!  I also love pummeling catnip bananas.  Don’t tell Olive, but when she was napping I “borrowed” her catnip banana.  Everyone is getting along well.  Pixie has been having supervised visits to the lobby and so far, all is calm. The past few months there have been many adoptions, which means we are receiving new residents.  We recently welcomed cats from Lebanon, including a 6-month-old paraplegic kitty named Chocolate.  Love knows no boundaries at Tabby’s Place.  Personally, I feel your love every day, and thank you for being my sponsor.

My diapie adventures continue (see photo). I can manage to slip out of my diapie when I am sitting.  Or standing. Or lying down.  My correspondent thought that I had super powers, because she’d never seen a cat shed a diaper so quickly.  Recently, while she was giving tours, I managed to shed three diapies.

Since you are my sponsor and I can tell you anything, I should ‘fess up.  I do not have any super li’l black and white kitty powers.  Instead, I’ve “outgrown” my current diapies with my weight gain.  The Tabby’s Place staff is keeping an eye on my weight to be sure I stay healthy, and they have ordered larger diapies.  When I was ill over the summer, I stopped eating, and I suppose I’m making up for lost meals.  My correspondent absolutely adores me, though; in her eyes, I am perfect.

Last weekend, I almost fell out of my diapie with excitement because I had sponsors visit me from Texas.  I cannot even begin to tell you how over the moon I was with joy.  I showed off my belly and had fun with them, which made me feel so lucky!  Sponsor visits are even better than catnip bananas.

This month I have once again become a bit of a medical enigma. I’d been experiencing some coughing over the past couple of months, but was encouraged when it subsided after I visited the specialist.  But yesterday, my correspondent cuddled close to hear me purr and heard wheezing, and a cough. She notified the vet staff, and they are following up.

I love all holidays, so on this St. Patty’s Day and all days, “May the luck of the Irish be with you!”  Sending you some very special whisker kisses!


(with help from your correspondent, Ilene)