Update for Ponce de Leon

Update for Ponce de Leon

Dear Friends,

I take my supervising duties very seriously

I hope you’re having a great start to your summer. Mine has been very exciting so far. I’ve been supervising the addition of several donor recognition plaques and signage around my suite. This involved a crew that had to dig in the garden bed just outside my solarium. I think they were as entertained by me as I was by them. I gave them an extra thumbs up (because I have a few) to show my approval of their good work.

Seeing the new donor recognition installments brings me so much joy to know all these people care and support Tabby’s Place so they can continue to provide a caring, loving home for those of us with the greatest needs. I’m one of many lucky beneficiaries. Which brings me to you – my best friend and generous, ongoing supporter. I will always be grateful for everything you do for me.


I’m happy to report that my health and spirits continue to be great. My buddy, Durin, battled an ear infection recently, but he conquered it and is delighted to be done with his treatments. We are both enjoying all the folks who visit, let us sit on their laps, and fuss over us.

Thank you for your incredible friendship and support.

Lots of love,
Ponce de Leon
(With help from your correspondent, Mary)