Update for Pepita

Update for Pepita

Greetings, wonderful fans of Pepita!

The heat of mid-summer has arrived and nothing could be more welcomed by Pepita.  Today I found her in one of her favorite spots in the solarium—the big plastic chair that sits against the outer fenced area of the solarium.  There she sat, sprawling in the sunshine and fast asleep. Until I woke her, of course. Then she was looking for treats, as were all of her solarium buddies. So of course, I obliged!

It is hilarious to watch the frenzy that erupts when treats are brought into the room.  I would describe the various cats in the solarium, when it comes to treats, as super aggressive (Abe & Rorschach), aggressive (Pepita, Steven, and Adam) and interested but not into a fight (Chewbacca).  Keeping the super aggressive fur balls distracted so the aggressive ones can also get treats and making sure Chewie doesn’t get lost in the shuffle feels like I need six hands instead of two!

On the medical front, Pepita did have to contend with one issue.  Although it’s nothing like what her suitemate Mary has had to contend with, Pepita developed constipation and blood in her stool this month. We may treat this with medication if it persists, but we’re optimistic it has resolved. Otherwise, Pepita is having a joyful month.

The annual Kitten Shower was a huge success. Virtually all the kittens were adopted and everyone had a delightful time.  Of course, since then a ton of new babies have been rolling in, but the adoption board today was full of notices of new kitten adoptions as well as many on hold.  There were even a few older kitty adoptions, which always make my heart melt.

I hope you enjoy the lazy days of summer as much as Pepita does.  Until next month I will just leave you with pictures of your sweet girl.

Your correspondent,