Update for Newman

Update for Newman

Happy May, Newman fans!

Newman is doing really well this month. The warm weather agrees with him so; he loves spending his days lounging outdoors. He is one of the solarium stalwarts these days. Along with Lester, Gus, Toby, and Hocus, he’s more likely to be outside than in on sunny days.

He’s a very polite cat to share the room with, too. The boys in FIV+ are like a big frat party, wrestling, eating, drinking, and doing things that don’t always smell good. You wouldn’t look for much common courtesy at a frat party, but the last time I visited, Toby was eating, and Newman sat back and waited until Toby had finished before he made a move for some snacks. He’s not above piling on for a mass catnap, though.

During a recent visit, Newman was raring to go (versus a few months ago, when sleeping was his favorite pastime). I sat down on the floor in the solarium and before I got comfy, Nuttin was all over me, and lay down on my lap. Newman didn’t seem to be concerned, he knows there’s tons of love at Tabby’s Place to go around. So, we indulged Nuttin’s desires, while Newman and I played with a ball on a rope (photo at right). He is quite athletic and repeatedly ‘caught’ the rope with his paws! Oh, what a nap he had in store for him that afternoon.

Newman has been having some problems with diarrhea lately. We’ve started him on a common antibiotic to see if that will help. With most cats, antibiotics can cause diarrhea, but in the past, it’s helped clear Newman’s up. Nothing, it seems, is absolute. If we find that it doesn’t help Newman’s diarrhea this time, we’ll discontinue it, but since it worked before…

Thank you dear sponsors for giving Newman all that he needs to thrive. He is most definitely a happy boy, awaiting his very special adopters. Until next month, be happy and well!