Update for Mona

Update for Mona

Hello dear Sponsor,

Greetings from Tabby’s Place and the FIV+ Suite. I hope that you are enjoying the hot month of August. We do our best to remain hydrated, and I hope that you also remember to drink plenty of water.

It has been a quiet month here. Everyone is healthy, with only minor issues. The newer cats, including Chachi, Dwayne, McNulty, and Amos, seem to be adjusting well, and there is peace in the suite.

One of the most amazing things about Tabby’s Place is how beautifully maintained it is. Dedicated staff and volunteers never cease in keeping everything fresh and clean for us. This includes, of course, the laundering of all the blankets and cushions, the cleaning of litter boxes, the washing of water bowls, the scrubbing of floors, and so much more.

As you know, those of us who live in the FIV+ Suite are lucky enough to have, in addition to the suite itself, a wonderful screened-in solarium, where I tend to spend most of my time during the summer. There is a Plexiglas passageway that leads from the suite to the solarium, and we can come and go as we please.

On a regular basis, however, the entire solarium must be scrubbed clean, and the volunteers do a splendid job. While the cleaning is taking place, the tunnel leading to the solarium must be closed off, and we all wait patiently in our suite for the job to be finished. Here’s a picture of me during a recent solarium cleaning. As you can see, I am waiting by the tunnel for the first signal that the solarium is ready again. The other picture here shows me, only five minutes later, sitting on sparkling clean linen in the solarium sunshine.

I’m grateful to share that the Linda Fund Matching Challenge has been completed, and what a success it was! Due to the generosity of friends like you, Tabby’s Place has set an all-time record, exceeding last year’s very successful drive by $34,000! These donations go towards life-saving emergency care for cats like me. I am always amazed by the kindness of our donors. Thank you so much for your love and generosity.

So, until next month, my dear Sponsor, I bid you adieu. Remember to enjoy the sunshine, as we move into the Fall.
