Update for Max

Update for Max

Dear Max supporters,

Welcome to the first update for Max. Before I begin, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Jenifer and I am a volunteer at Tabby’s Place. I first came to Tabby’s Place in 2007 after the untimely death of my little man Tino. I soon found a beautiful, cross-eyed tabby named Dolly, and she became my sweet companion. I became a sponsor of Tashi and have a soft spot for Beatrice and Bellis. After moving back to the greater Ringoes metropolitan area in August, I became a volunteer at Tabby’s Place; shortly after my orientation, in late October, Angela (Tabby’s Place’s Development Director) gave me my first assignment as Max’s correspondent.

To be quite honest, I was a bit apprehensive to receive this assignment. I had heard about Max’s issues regarding new surroundings; I had seen his YouTube video with Mozart (on the right), and read the Tabby’s Place blog about the need for his isolation. I remembered on our tour of Tabby’s Place: as we passed by the apartment, the sign read, “Max and Mozart. Staff only, please.” Jonathan told us, briefly, that Max liked to attack his tail when he became stressed, and that Max had a therapy cat named Mozart. What if, when I met him, he became stressed and attacked me? Or worse, what if he attacked himself? How would I get help? How would I keep him from hurting himself? A million “what-ifs” swirled in my head as I made the short drive to meet Max for the first time.

I thought my heart would beat through my chest as I entered the lobby. Angela greeted me with her warm smile and led me back not to the apartment, as I expected, but to Adoption Room #2, where Max spends his days with the Dessert Kids and Cypress. (I have since found out that Max spends his nights in the apartment.) Angela opened the door and introduced me to Max.

Right away, Max started talking to me like we were long, lost friends. He hopped up onto the sofa and immediately head-butted my hand to demand lovin’, all while chatting me up. I began stroking his soft fur, as his chatting became a low purr.

That’s it. That’s all it took. I was in love. I was so enamored that I didn’t even notice Angela leaving.

I continued to pet him as he alternately talked and purred. He showed no signs of distress as I got acquainted with him and seemed to relish the attention. Meanwhile, the Dessert Kids and Cypress ignored our conversation, choosing instead to nap. After nearly 45 minutes of love, Max curled up to nap, too, oblivious to the loud snoring of one of his roommates. I watched him sleep for a bit. He has such long legs (especially compared to my Dolly, who is built like a dachshund.) His coat is a beautiful tan, with dark stripes, and he looks like he is wearing white old-man slippers. I got up to leave, as Max continued to sleep peacefully. When I reached the door, I heard Max give a soft meow. I turned and looked back at him. Still lying there, he lifted his head slightly and meowed again, as if to say, “see ya later, buddy.”

As I made my way into the lobby, I admonished myself: Jenifer, you were really afraid of him? That gentle giant? He is such a sweetheart and will be a wonderful addition to any lucky family. In the meantime, he is a welcomed resident of Tabby’s Place…and my heart.

As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, I give thanks for sweet Max. I am grateful that he is improving and that he can spend his days around other cats. I am thankful, too, that Angela assigned Max to me and that I get the opportunity to know Max better. Lastly, I am especially thankful that Max has such wonderful, generous, and supportive sponsors as you. Of course, my greatest wish for Max is that he will find his “forever home”, but, until then, I look forward to getting to know Max and sharing his many milestones — “Max moments” if you will — with you, Max’s dear sponsors. Thank you, again, for your generosity and love for Max.